The series describes the adventures of a race of tiny people (pixies) who live in a simple village in Foothill Forest. It focuses in particular on a group of children: Lillibit, Willibit, Snagglebit, Chip, and Browniebit. Snagglebit, the spoiled son of the mayor, is enamored of the beautiful Lillibit, but she's best friends with Willibit, the moral role model and main protagonist. Thus, even though they generally get along well, Willibit and Snagglebit often butt heads, especially over Lillibit. Snagglebit usually pals around with the short-in-stature Browniebit, who is something of a coward (and is often teased by Snagglebit for this), and Chip, who idolizes Lillibit's uncle, Dr. Snoozabit, and wants to be a doctor like him.
Another frequently recurring child character is Teenybit (Willibit's younger sister), who befriends Scarybit, an ill-tempered, superstitious old woman assumed to be a witch and shunned by most of the other villagers. Teenybit can see that, under Scarybit's tough exterior, she's just a lonely old lady who needs a friend.
The children are watched over by, and often scolded by, the older Littl' Bits including the doctor Dr. Snoozabit, the wood-cutter Chopabit, the baker Bakeabit, Willibit's father Grumpabit, Helpabit, the elder Elderbit, Mayor Bossabit (Snagglebit's father), and others. Snoozabit has a tendency to drink too much, forcing his young niece, Lillibit, to watch out for him and do her best to keep him on the right track (In the American version, Snoozabit's drunkenness was rewritten as being constantly sleepy and needing a nap, hence his English name).
Dr. Snoozabit has raised Lillibit since her infancy, and has always told her that her birth parents died shortly after she was born. Not having a mother and father around occasionally depressed Lillibit, especially when she observed her friends having fun with their parents. However, in the second-to-last episode of the series, it was revealed that Lillibit's parents were in fact
הסדרה עוסקת בהרפתקאותיהם של גזע ננסים החיים בכפר קטן ונסתר ביער. העלילה מתמקדת בייחוד בקבוצת ילדים מן הכפר: טיפטיפ, טיפטיפון, נאפו, מוקי וגברי. נאפו, בנו המפונק של מיימון, ראש הכפר, מאוהב בטיפטיפ היפה, על אף שהיא החברה של טיפטיפון, הדמות הראשית בסדרה. לכן, על אף שבדרך כלל הם מסתדרים היטב, טיפטיפון ונאפו נוטים להסתכסך לעתים קרובות, במיוחד כאשר טיפטיפ בסביבה. נאפו נוהג להיות בחברתו של גברי, קצר הקומה והפחדן ומוקי אשר מעריץ את דודה של טיפטיפ, דוקטור דוקלין, ושואף להפוך לרופא כמוהו לכשיגדל.
Belfi e Lillibit sono due folletti molto amici che vivono in un villaggio nel profondo della foresta. Lillibit vive con il padre Rock che è il medico del villaggio e passa il suo tempo con i suoi amici e soprattutto con Belfi, vivendo tante avventure sempre però con lo scopo di aiutare la gente del villaggio che si trova in difficoltà.
Ergens in een groot magisch woud wonen de elfenjongen Lillibit en het elfenmeisje Belfi samen met hun dwergenvolk "de Fanits" aan de voet van de Hoge bergen. Napo (te herkennen aan de blauwe muts) is de zoon van de burgemeester. Samen beleven ze vele avonturen.
Filiputki (jap. Mori-no Yogi-na Shojintachi: Buelufi to Lilibuettu, ang. The Littl’ Bits, 1990) – japoński serial animowany zrealizowany przez wytwórnię Tatsunoko dla Saban Entertainment, opowiada o przygodach małych ludzi, które lubią zabawy. Japońska wersja serialu powstała w roku 1980, ale w Polsce amerykańska wersja z 1990 roku zawitała do trzech stacji TVN, Fox Kids i Jetix Play. Serial był w TVN wyświetlany w latach 2001-2002.
Belfi y Lillibit son dos duendecillos muy amigos que viven en un poblado en el interior del bosque. Lillibit vive con su padre Rock, el médico de la villa, y pasa el tiempo con sus amigos, sobre todo con Belfi. Juntos viven muchas aventuras mientras intentan ayudar a la vecindad cuando se encuentran en situaciones difíciles.
مجموعة من الأقزام في قرية وسط الغابة. بسمة تعيش عند عمها فدعان طبيب القرية. وصديقها عبدو فتى محب للخير. وخلدون ابن عمدة القرية يحب بسمة ويغار من عبدو.