Willibit discovers some fish trapped in a pond. He wants to keep it a secret so he isn't real happy when Lillibit not only finds out about it, but also tells Bakeabit the town baker about the fish. Willibit draws him a picture of one of the fish in the dirt with a pipe stick, and Bakeabit tells them that the fish are probably trapped salmon and that the two children should try to free the salmon.
טיפטיפון מתיידד עם דגי הסלמון. הזקן מספר לילדים שדגי הסלמון מגיעים מהים הגדול, והילדים מחליטים להפליג אל הים. הם בונים רפסודה ויוצאים לדרך, אך המסע ארוך ורצוף קשיים.
Dopo aver visto migrare i salmone nel fiume che scorre vicino al villaggio, Lillibit vuole vedere il mare e organizza una squadra di amici per arrivare con una zattera a destinazione.