First High is aiming to win for the third year in a row at the National Magic High School Goodwill Tournament of Magic Skills, also known as the Nine Schools Competition. Mayumi and the other seniors at First High are known as the most powerful team of their generation, and they are fired up about claiming victory again. However, Airi Isshiki, Shiori Kanou, and Toko Tsukushiin from Third High are determined to stop their winning streak. First High steadily stacks up points in the Nine Schools Competition, but during the Battle Board race, Mari, who was favored to win, is seriously injured in an accident. Mari, who desperately wants First High to take the overall victory in the tournament, asks Miyuki to take Mari’s place in the Mirage Bat event.
La bataille des neuf écoles commence, mais bien que le Lycée 1 domine, d'étranges accidents s'enchaînent, mettant les participants en danger.
Concurso Nacional de Magia de la Amistad de la Escuela Secundaria de Magia, comúnmente conocido como "Nueve Escuelas". Este año, tenemos tres victorias consecutivas en la escuela secundaria, por lo que la generación más fuerte y más fuerte de Mayumi Tachi está entusiasmada. Fue derrocada y quemada. El juego de las nueve escuelas ha comenzado. Ichitaka subió puntos de manera constante y se lesionó cuando Mari, candidata al campeonato, se vio involucrada en un accidente. Mayumi, que aspira a una victoria total, es un sustituto de Mirage Butt, que se suponía que participaría en Mari.