The doctors attempt to help 24-year-old Lauren, who suffers with an extreme case of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Her symptoms include weight gain, fertility problems and, most noticeably, excessive body and facial hair.
The Food Hospital doctors meet Karen and her 6 year old son, Callum, whose lives are both blighted by psoriasis. Karen fears her son will get bullied like she has been because his lesions are so noticeable. No amount of creams and potions seem to help, so Karen and Callum are turning to food after conventional medicine has failed. Professional singer Sophie suffers from such severe acid reflux that, if it continues, could spell the end of her career. After 13 years of this condition, she is also at risk of Barrett's Oesophagus, which can increase the risk of cancer. Sixteen-year-old Rianna is looking for an answer to her distressing and unexplained hair loss. And can obese 38-year-old father Ian reverse his dangerously fatty liver through food and increase his life expectancy? Dr Pixie McKenna investigates the truth about vitamin supplements, asking if they have any real benefit to our health.
The Food Hospital experts employ cutting-edge research as they treat a 19-year-old dancer with Crohn's Disease, an ex-soldier with a sleep disorder, a man whose sperm needs a boost if he's to father the child he wants so much. And one of Britain's growing numbers of morbidly obese teenagers is taught how to approach food again after her gastric bypass surgery. Dr Pixie McKenna discovers the truth about sports drinks: Do they really boost energy or are they an expensive irrelevance?
Through the hospital doors this week - 36-year-old Garrett who's in constant pain from gout. Despite age-old associations with old men and rich living, Garrett's gout is hereditary and he's desperate for advice on how to control it and reduce his incapacitating joint pain. Twenty years of living with depression brings 37-year-old Debbie to see The Food Hospital doctors in the hope of a new approach to managing her condition. Suzi, a mum of three young children, has survived on a diet of just pancakes and chocolate bars for two years. Her faddy diet is seriously damaging her health. Suzi is deficient in many of the key vitamins and minerals and without help she'll risk life threatening complications like organ failure. And 31-year-old Tristan who comes to see the doctors about his persistent eczema, but gets a much more shocking and serious health warning. Also, Dr Pixie McKenna discovers the truth about detox diets: do they actually make us any healthier or are we simply overlooking the power of our own digestive systems?
The Food Hospital experts meet 42-year-old Ellie, who has a rare and traumatising condition called Fish Odour Syndrome. She gives off odours ranging from sulphur to rotting garbage and the reactions she gets have taken her mentally to the brink. By taking her treatment into her own hands and cutting out whole food groups without medical supervision, Ellie's relationship with food has been destroyed and her health has been put at risk. Severe eczema has taken over 16-year-old Toby's life, to the extent that he fears ever being able to fulfill his dream of becoming airplane cabin crew through fear of people's reactions to his noticeable, crusty lesions. Thirty-year-old mum Michelle suffers from crippling pain due to suspected gallstones. Can Shaw and Lucy treat her with just food, thus avoiding surgery? Lucy and Gio myth-bust hangover cures with three hard drinking students from Leeds the morning after a big binge drinking session. Plus, Dr Pixie McKenna investigates the truth about health claims on food packaging - does food always really do what it says on the tin?
The doctors offers advice to a fitness instructor who says he has never eaten a vegetable and also to a woman whose menopausal hot flushes are ruining her life.
The doctors attempt help 47-year-old Alan, who is suffering from painful and embarrassing bloating.
Lucy Jones and Gio Miletto investigate urine monitoring, which can reveal a lot about what is going on inside the human body, showing what the different colours mean in 30 different samples provided by a group of people in Worcestershire. Pixie McKenna looks into claims that the popular spice turmeric may become an important weapon in the fight against bowel cancer, and visitors to the hospital are a student suffering from bad acne, a cola addict and a woman with a sleep problem.
The team reveals the potential brain-enhancing power of blueberries, explaining how they contain anti-oxidants that could help improve learning ability and concentration levels. An obese actor and power-lifter concerned about his health asks for help losing weight while maintaining his strength, and Pixie McKenna looks into claims that onions could rival aspirin as a blood thinner. Plus, a nine-year-old is experiencing severe stomach pains, bloating and diarrhoea, prompting his mother to worry he has coeliac disease, the same intestinal disorder from which she suffers.
The experts help people who are struggling to cope with embarrassing conditions. Lucy Jones recommends daily probiotic drinks and cranberries for 31-year-old Rachel, who has an extreme form of cystitis, and Gio Miletto suggests a low sugar diet for Gozen, a 25-year-old lawyer with a chronic skin disease. Terri, 73, seeks the team's advice for his erectile dysfunction, and Pixie McKenna investigates claims that a chemical found in chilli peppers can increase metabolic rate and aid weight loss.
The team investigates traditional party food, asking whether sausage rolls, cakes, crisps, sweets and fizzy pop really do send children wild. GP Gio Miletto and dietician Lucy Jones host a kids' bash at Plumcroft Primary School in London to find out the truth. Visitors include a four-year-old with a severe case of epilepsy, who can have up to 300 seizures a day, and a 15-year-old Tourettes sufferer who wants to know if certain foods can reduce his symptoms. Last in the series.
Under the care of The Food Hospital team, six obese women are monitored 24 hours a day as they live together in a house, battling hunger and emotions. These women, with Type 2 Diabetes, embark on extreme but potentially life-saving diets to try to put their illness into remission. Britain is in the grip of a Type 2 Diabetes epidemic. Already costing £1 million every hour, it threatens to bankrupt the NHS within a generation. With three of the women on low-calorie meals while the other s survive on just milkshake diets, there are tears and tantrums as they take on the challenge of a lifetime. But what happens over the course of eight weeks has huge implications both for the volunteers and for our understanding of this killer disease.