The Food Hospital doctors meet Karen and her 6 year old son, Callum, whose lives are both blighted by psoriasis. Karen fears her son will get bullied like she has been because his lesions are so noticeable. No amount of creams and potions seem to help, so Karen and Callum are turning to food after conventional medicine has failed. Professional singer Sophie suffers from such severe acid reflux that, if it continues, could spell the end of her career. After 13 years of this condition, she is also at risk of Barrett's Oesophagus, which can increase the risk of cancer. Sixteen-year-old Rianna is looking for an answer to her distressing and unexplained hair loss. And can obese 38-year-old father Ian reverse his dangerously fatty liver through food and increase his life expectancy? Dr Pixie McKenna investigates the truth about vitamin supplements, asking if they have any real benefit to our health.