Die Suche nach den Tätern führt Shibazaki in die Präfektur Aomori, wo sich die nukleare Wiederaufbereitungsanlage befindet. Doch als hätten sie seine Rückkehr nach Tokio abgewartet, ist schon ein neues Rätsel von SPHINX an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt. Derweil steht Lisa, die von zuhause fortgelaufen ist, plötzlich vor Twelve.
Nine successfully hacks into the Metropolitan Police Department database in search of something. Twelve goes out to follow Lisa, expressing his concern that her running away from home will jeopardize the mission. Nine sends a fourth video, titled "Time Shock Bomb", where he and Twelve give another riddle related to Oedipus Rex and then state their hopes that their game would be played "without cheating", otherwise a hidden bomb will explode. Using the riddle, Shibasaki finds a website created by Nine and Twelve, which asks for a password related to three maxims inscribed at the temple at Delphi. Realizing that time is running out, the police decide to search an apartment building where Nine was recorded dropping off a suspicious package, although Shibasaki is still intent on solving the riddle. Twelve finds Lisa and tells her to go home, but she refuses, then comments she was stupid for running away before fleeing. Police officers breach the apartment, only to find no bomb and a laptop instead. Time runs out, even though Shibasaki manages to solve the password (his surname). Seconds later, police investigation reports of the attacks are leaked online, drawing a shocked reaction from the public since the reports conclude the perpetrators are always one step ahead of them. Simultaneously, Twelve rescues Lisa from two security guards. While on their way to Nine's location, Lisa asks Twelve if he is going to destroy the world, to which both laugh; Lisa then comments she hadn't laughed like that in "a really long time". At Nine's location, he disapproves of Lisa staying with them, just before she suddenly collapses.
Shibazaki doit répondre à une devinette à laquelle lui seul connaît la réponse afin d'empêcher une bombe d'exploser, à condition que tout le monde respecte les règles.
미시마 리사는 어머니의 집착에 견디다 못해 결국 가출을 하고 만다. 그리고 트웰브는 이런 리사가 왠지 신경 쓰이는데. 한편, 시바자키는 과거 나인이 위조 신분으로 일을 했었던 아오모리 시설에 발을 옮긴다.
Сибадзаки должен разгадать на загадку, адресованную лично ему. Это предотвратит взрыв бомбы, но только в случае если игра будет честной.
Тем временем Двенадцатый понимает, что Лиза ушла из дома и решает привести ее домой к ним с Девятым.
Shibazaki è l'unico che può venire a capo di un indovinello la cui risoluzione può evitare lo scoppio di una bomba, ma solo se tutti rispettano le regole.