Ein Bombenanschlag auf das Gebäude der Stadtverwaltung von Tokio. Lisa, die mitten in den Aufruhr gerät, weiß, dass die beiden, die sie getroffen hat - Twelve und Nine - die Täter sind, und ist fassungslos. Unbeeindruckt von dem Chaos, das im Tokioter Polizeipräsidium ausgebrochen ist, laden Sphinx Nr. 1 und 2 eine neue Video-Botschaft hoch.
It is revealed that the bombing and subsequent building collapse, despite the large scale of destruction involved, left several with minor injuries, and no fatalities. Lisa returns home from the incident shaken, but her mother (unaware of Lisa's location during the bombings) breaks down and berates her for ignoring her text messages. During her tirade, she reveals that Lisa's father has left the family. Nine and Twelve return without Lisa to their residence, to start work on a cell phone bomb. The police force gathers for a comprehensive briefing of the day's events, where they become aware of the video on social media. Nine and Twelve, aware of this, release a second video with a riddle from Oedipus Rex referring to the location of their next bombsite. After finding what appears to be the answer to the riddle, police move on the suspected location, a DNA laboratory. Shibasaki phones the chief of police with alternate interpretation to the riddle, and suggests that the bomb will be in a police district office. After the bomb discharges in the district office instead of the lab, the chief asks for Shibasaki to involve himself in the case. In privacy, the chief reveals the theft of plutonium to Shibasaki, and his suspicion of the connection to the bombers. Lisa follows Twelve on the street, where he reminds her that if she reveals their secret, he will kill her.
Lisa découvre que son père a déserté la famille. Nine et Twelve fabriquent une nouvelle bombe et lancent une nouvelle menace. Kurahashi se confie à Shibazaki.
도청 테러 사건 브리핑 중에 발견 된 ‘VON’이라는 문자, 그리고 새롭게 올라온 스핑크스의 테러 예고. 경찰 수사 본부가 갈팡질팡하고 있는 사이, 나인과 트웰브는 또다시 폭탄 설치에 나선다.
Полицейские обнаруживают надпись «VON» на одном из обломков на месте взрыва и связывают это дело с другим преступлением. Тем временем загадочные террористы заявляют о намерении взорвать ещё одно место, но чтобы понять какое полицейским нужно разгадать их загадку.
Lisa scopre che suo padre ha abbandonato la famiglia. Nine e Twelve mettono a punto una bomba e fanno una nuova minaccia. Kurahashi si confessa con Shibazaki.