Die Buchstaben „VON” an der Wand einer atomaren Wiederaufbereitungsanlage. Damit fing alles an. Dann, im Sommer, wird eine rätselhafte Botschaft auf ein Video-Portal hochgeladen. Die beiden, die sie verkünden, nennen sich „Sphinx Nr. 1” und „Sphinx Nr. 2”. Die Botschaft lautet: „In der Gegend um Shinjuku ist gebietsweise mit starken Funkenflug zu rechnen ...”
In Aomori, Japan, plutonium was stolen from a nuclear fuel reprocessing facility during a snow storm. A perpetrator left the message "VON" at the scene of the crime in red paint. Six months after the event, a mysterious video was posted on social media. Referring to themselves as Sphinx 1 and 2, they claimed "Tokyo will be enveloped by darkness after 3:00 PM and large sparks will fly, scattered around the Shinjuku area." Despite the video coming to the attention of former detective Shibasaki, he does not initially report it. Nine and Twelve interrupt Lisa Mishima's classmates as they bully her, then take their place undercover in her school. Lisa withdraws further and begins showing signs of an eating disorder. In her frustration, she wishes everyone would disappear. At that moment, the greater Tokyo prefecture loses power and citizens in the building are evacuated without Lisa. Assuming the government office building free of surveillance, Nine and Twelve place stuffed animals containing thermite-based explosives beneath the sprinkler systems of the main building. When Twelve is interrupted by Lisa, he gives her one of their stuffed animal bombs and flees the building. He asks Nine to decide whether they should kill her or keep her alive. Nine's terse answer is that he will ask her directly. Lisa responds that she does not want to die, sending Twelve to extract her as the building crumbles down. Nine takes a photo of the destruction with his phone. Twelve and Lisa return unharmed, but Nine informs her as a result of her decision to live she has decided become their accomplice. Lisa is left speechless by this.
Lorsque deux mystérieux étudiants arrivent dans son lycée, Lisa rencontre des difficultés en classe et à la maison et se retrouve mêlée à une attaque terroriste.
인터넷에 올라온 테러 예고 동영상. 처음에는 아이들의 장난으로만 여겼던 시바사키는 그들이 예고했던 시각에 도쿄가 정전이 되자 뭔가 꺼림칙함을 느끼는데...
У Лизы проблемы и в школе, и дома, а ещё, благодаря двум загадочным подросткам недавно поступившим в ее школу, девушка оказывается втянута в теракт.
Lisa ha problemi sia a scuola che a casa e quando due misteriosi studenti si trasferiscono nel suo liceo, resta coinvolta in un attacco terroristico.