Patrick Mathieu's party continues. Marc; a little tipsily, reveals to Bernard that Sylvain was payed $100,000 to be there. Bernard doesn't come back. Jug invites Marc and Sylvain to a BMX competition the following day. Sylvain keeps drinking his gin and tonics, and starts spilling his heart to Léa. He reveals that he is still in love with her, and that it was a mistake to separate. Léa feels uncomfortable because Jug is at the party as well, and tries to leave as soon as possible. Sylvain keeps insisting that Jug and her stay so they can see his magic show. In front of everyone he makes Marc Seguin's painting of Patrick disappear. The crowd gets confused. Barloutte takes this opportunity to jump infant of the crowd-thinking he can steal the show from Sylvain-but his trick was even worse.
Le party bat son plein. Sylvain tente de reconquérir Léa et offre une prestation mémorable aux invités de Patrick Mathieu. Barloute en profite pour tenter un comeback.