LPFM managed to defeat many members of the allied enemy team, but the island continued to sink, drastically decreasing the physical space they could move around in. LLENN and her comrades avoid areas near the sea and whip up a plan to cut across the northeast section of the island where members of the allied team have gathered. Clarence joins the allied team at this time. She suggests splitting the team into smaller groups of two people and launching waves of attacks against LPFM. However, immediately after they launch this plan, she betrays her teammates and attacks them. In addition, Shirley, who left the KKHC to fight alone, begins joining in on the attacks against the allied team!
Il livello dell'acqua si alza e la coalizione di team è indecisa sul da farsi, quando Clarence arriva a dare consigli. Senza farsi notare, anche Shirley ha raggiunto quelle posizioni.
L'équipe LPFM est bien à l'abri dans son wagon, mais l'île continue de s'enfoncer, ce qui va forcer les quatre joueurs à s'aventurer au milieu des ennemis qui se sont ligués contre eux. Pourtant, une alliance imprévue va changer la donne.
LPFM lembra que o mar irá subir seu nível aos poucos e precisa sair do vagão, mas as equipes aliadas bolam um plano para detê-los ali mesmo.
Während sich LLENNs Team weiterhin in dem Güterwaggon verschanzt, nähert sich eine neue Bedrohung dem Schlachtfeld. Clarence und Shirley machen ihren Zug. Sie beide verfolgen unterschiedliche Ziele, aber werden den anderen Spielern die Hölle heiß machen.
LPFM se ha librado de la mayoría de equipos que se aliaron en su contra, pero la isla sigue hundiéndose y tendrán que desplazarse. Por otro lado, Clarence y Shirley también están causando estragos.
LPFM избавилась от большинства команд, выступавших против них, но остров продолжает тонуть, и им придется переехать. С другой стороны, Кларенс и Ширли тоже сеют хаос.