Bojan in Ana povesta, da sta se na potovanju poročila, kar seveda šokira vse, ki to izvedo.
Mirza se odloči, da bo končno začel pisati roman, vendar mu delo ne gre od rok tako kot bi si želel, Piksi pa se odloči, da bo Lojzu pomagala v njegovi okrepčevalnici. Penzl Pii prizna, da je bil v veliki dilemi ali naj se loti oglaševalskega posla, saj mu je bilo jasno, da bo v tem primeru popolnoma zanemaril slikarstvo. Vendar se je zaradi finančne neodvisnosti raje odločil za oblikovanje. Brane je uspešno položil najtežji izpit, kar še posebej razveseli Katjo. Marija prizadeto ugotovi,da pa se spremembe dogajajo in ona enostavno ne ve, ali jim bo kos ...
Bojan and Ana say that they got married on the trip, which of course shocks everyone who finds out. Mirza decides to finally start writing a novel, but the work is not going as well as he would like, and Piksi decides to help Lojz in his snack bar. Penzl admits to Pia that he was in a great dilemma whether to take up the advertising business, as it was clear to him that in this case he would completely neglect painting. However, for the sake of financial independence, he preferred to design. Brane successfully passed the most difficult exam, which makes Katja especially happy. Maria is hurt to find out that changes are happening and she just doesn't know if she'll be able to cope with them...