Življenje pri Carjevih se po vrnitvi Marije spet vrača v normalen ritem. Nika želi izvedeti kaj se je zgodilo med Gabrom in Ami, da je ta že cel dan v solzah. Brane si ne more kaj, da ga ne bi mučil črv dvoma kaj je Katja počela na zabavi, ta pa ga utiša tako, kot zagotovo ni pričakoval. Penzl je na zabavi ponudil Pii poslovno sodelovanje in dan po tem se že resno pogovarjata o tem. Nika hoče od Ami kljub vsemu zvedeti nekaj več. Tudi če se je med njima z Gabrom zgodilo, kar se je, to še ni razlog za tako nujen odhod, medtem pa se na vratih Carjeve vile prikažeta Jaka in Ana ...
Life with the Car's returns to normal after Maria's return. Nika wants to know what happened between Gaber and Ami, that she has been in tears all day. Brane can't help but be tormented by the worm of doubt about what Katja was doing at the party, and it silences him in a way he certainly didn't expect. Penzl offered Pia a business cooperation at the party, and the day after that, they are already having a serious conversation about it. Nika wants to learn something more from Ami anyway. Even if what happened between them and Gaber is not a reason for such an urgent departure, and meanwhile, Jaka and Anna show up at the door of the Car's villa ...