Ištvan in Tomo še vedno nista prepričana, če je Vasja res naročnik ugrabitve in kakšna je sploh njegova vloga, s čim se pravzaprav ukvarja. Nika Marijo uspešno prepriča naj se vrne k Carjevim, kjer je medtem že bolj ali manj vse pripravljeno na veliko zabavo. Bojan kljub temu, da je noč, sloni pred računalnikom in prazno gleda v ekran. Tedaj ga signal opozori, da ima pošto. Ko jo pogleda v njej piše le »Oprosti« ...
Istvan and Tomo are still not sure if Dr. Vasya is really the client of the kidnapping and what his role is, what he is actually dealing with. Nika successfully convinces Maria to return to the Car's, where in the meantime everything is more or less ready for a big party. Despite the fact that it is night, Bojan leans in front of the computer and stares blankly at the screen. Then a signal alerts him that he has mail. When he looks at it, it just says "I'm sorry"...