Damijan je prišel do spoznanja, da sta z Marijo naredila napako, ker sta odšla od Carjevih, medtem se je pri Carjevih stroga forma Marijinih zajtrkov že popolnoma spremenila. Ištvan poroča Tomu kaj je izvedel od Vasje, ta pa nad tem ni navdušen. Pii direktor popolnoma mirno prizna, da je on naročil pretep Penzla, kar Pio popolnoma vrže iz tira.
Mirza, ki se je na gospo Rozalijo že močno prijateljsko navezal pa je šokiran, ko izve, da je umrla. Medtem pri Carjevih potekajo vročične priprave na zabavo ....
Damian came to the realization that he and Maria had made a mistake by departing from the Car's, while with the Car's the strict form of Maria's breakfasts had already completely changed. Istvan reports to Tomo what he learned from Dr. Vasya, but he is not enthusiastic about it. Pia's director calmly admits that he ordered the beating of Penzl, which completely throws Pia off the rails. Mirza, who already had a strong friendship with Mrs. Rosalia, is shocked to learn that she has died. Meanwhile, feverish preparations for the party are underway at the Car's....