Med Pio in Mirzo se krešejo iskrice, ki jih težko skrivata drug pred drugim. Gaber je malce na koncu z živci, znese se nad tajnico. Dekan fakultete postavi Penzla pred zoprno dejstvo. Jaka Car je postavljen pred dejstvo, da se bo moral sam potruditi za svoje zdravje. Ana in Nika gresta, malo za zabavo, malo zares, na Bled.
There are sparks between Pia and Mirza that are hard to hide from each other. Gaber is a little over the edge, hunching over the secretary. The dean of the faculty confronts Penzl with a gruesome fact. Jaka Car is faced with the fact that he will have to make an effort for his own health. Ana and Nika go, a little for fun, a little really, to Bled.