Auf dem Rückweg von der Kirche erzählt Pollyanna Mrs. Carew von ihrem Such-die-Freude-Spiel. Aber dann macht das Mädchen einen Fehler, als es der Frau erklärt, daß diese bereits zu fröhlich sei, um das Spiel zu spielen...
Astoundingly enough, Pollyanna seems to have shrugged off James’s prologue of having the choice made for him to endure an empty belly at Murphy-ke when she signals an interest toward being taken to church that catches Ruth wearing not her make-up one Sunday morning and sets the stage to highlight another dimension of Ruth’s long-standing isolation; while the servants compare notes about Ruth’s church-going prologue and the impact that Pollyanna has already had, what neither they nor the happy-go-lucky Pollyanna realize is that the coercive church visit complete with vocal outbursts marveling the architecture of the church has ignited long-standing embers of anguish within Ruth that become red-hot at the sight of the choir boys doing their thing. The home commute after the church service becomes the forum for Pollyanna to share her »carpe diem« life philosophy which mirrors Della's counsel to the sanatorium patients before accidentally striking a sour note during a tutorial of the »Glad Game«; after having it poignantly pointed out how she really stepped in it with her ill-considered comment, Pollyanna naturally takes it upon herself to resolve the deviant diagnostic. What ultimately is borne from this is the scope of Pollyanna's ignorance about the true scope and severity of Ruth's prologue; after Ruth explains her the abrupt death of her older sister Doris during one of the visits in which she would bring her son Jamie whose abduction by his father Edward Kent caused the death of Ruth's parents soon thereafter, Pollyanna is not slow in piping up that the search for Jamie be intensified during its prosecution to completion -- especially after having just dealt with Chipmunk being missing and the urban misadventure undertaken to locate him -- along with also having it driven home that she has not the data about where to begin!!!