Pollyanna sucht überall ihr Eichhörnchen Chippy, doch es bleibt verschwunden. Sie macht sich große Vorwürfe, dass sie sich nicht genug um Chippy gekümmert hat, und sie deswegen nun weggelaufen ist. Nach einer langen Suche, an der sich Onkel Tom, dessen Frau, sein Sohn und das Hausmädchen Nancy beteiligen, wird Chippy schließlich gefunden. Aber es geht ihr nicht gut, sie ist krank. Jimmy fährt zum Tierarzt, der das Tier untersuchen soll. Er kommt jedoch alleine wieder, bringt aber eine Medizin mit. Der Tierarzt meint, Chippy habe den Klimawechsel nicht vertragen und sich bloß erkältet. Pollyanna aber will solange bei Chippy bleiben, bis sie wieder gesund wird, trotzdem es draußen in Strömen regnet. Onkel Tom bietet Pollyanna an, mit Chippy bei ihm im Haus zu schlafen, aber Pollyanna lehnt ab, weil sie ihrer Tante fest versprochen hat, Chippy nicht ins Haus zu lassen. Nancy hält es am Ende nicht mehr aus und bittet Mrs. Harrington, Pollyanna doch die Erlaubnis zu geben, Chippy mit auf ihr Zimmer zu nehmen. Tante Polly willigt schließlich ein, und Pollyanna ist überglücklich.
Pollyanna feels horrible for not detecting the deviant diagnostic with Chipmunk as she frantically searches for the little rodent which she fears has taken damage as he sulks to signal his displeasure at being lost in the lurch; commiserating Pollyanna's plight, the servants and staff decide to form a search party and fan out for Chipmunk. Elated at Jimmy's agreement to aid in the search, Pollyanna remembers that the hill visible from her attic bedroom has many parallels to the hill in her former hometown; therefore, if Chipmunk has made that very conclusion, he will probably be sulking there. Much to the anguish of poor Pollyanna, that well-compiled logic yields no results . . . as does Nancy's efforts to explain the annoyed Polly the rationale behind all the ruckus only to be ordered to prepare dinner as scheduled; after seeing a glimpse of Polly's former human sympathy, Tom rushes off to tell Pollyanna that he has located Chipmunk but that the rodent is infirm -- the data to resolve Timothy is searching for. It seems that keeping Chipmunk outside made for good politics with Polly but is a physiological assault on the poor rodent because of the different climate and environment in Beldingsville; while the subsequent malady is relatively minor and is thus quite reversible, Pollyanna's declaration of medical proximity to Chipmunk prompts all the servants to take turns shielding the child from the rain. Already quite frustrated at how Polly's heartlessness is necessitating the whole hullabaloo and seeing that there will be no winners regardless of whether anybody challenges Pollyanna's bedside vigil as Chipmunk recuperates outside, Nancy ultimately decides to go for broke in one final bid to get Polly to see reason; Chipmunk now safely indoors, Pollyanna rushing in to visit her gratitude unto Polly ignites some memories that the aristocrat has been repressed over the previous decade of solitude that are really precious.
Tutta la servitu' di casa Harrington e' mobilitata alla ricerca di Ponpon. Tom lo trova nell'incavo di un albero,ma l'animaletto tanto amato da Pollyanna non da' segni di vita e nonostante le cure non e' certo che riuscira' a guarire. Zia Polly impietosita, permette alla nipote di tenere la bestiola in casa.