Nach einem tödlichen Kampf mit den Gamilas ist die Yamato bei Iscandar angekommen. Als die Crew der Yamato sich mit Starsha, der Königin von Iscandar, trifft, erzählt sie ihnen etwas, das sie niemals erwartet hätten.
With Dessler gone and the Gamilas ceasing their hostilities, the Yamato, at last, reaches Iscandar. However. Queen Starsha is in doubt about providing the assistance she promised upon seeing that the Earthlings used the technology that she entrusted to them as a weapon of mass destruction. After coming up with a decision, Starsha reveals to Kodai the ultimate fate of his brother as the crew of the Yamato prepares for the long journey back to Earth.
La corazzata giunge finalmente a Iskandar, ma la regina Starsha non si fida dei terrestri che hanno usato un'arma di autodifesa per una distruzione di massa.