Es gibt einen Meinungskonflikt darüber, wie man Melda, die Gamilas-Pilotin, die an Bord der Yamato geblieben ist, behandeln soll. Inmitten all dieser Auseinandersetzungen starten Meldas Jäger und ein Cosmo Falcon plötzlich vom Schiff. Wer aber um Himmels willen steuert sie?
Melda Ditz, a Gamilan pilot under the custody of Yamato, claims that their attack on Earth was not unprovoked and that it was the Earthlings who first fired without warning during the first contact between both races years before. Daisuke, whose father was killed in the attack, does not believe her at all until Yamazaki, the sole survivor of his father's ship, reveals to him the truth about what really happened that day.
Melda Ditza, pilota gamilonese data in custodia ai terrestri, viene esaminata dal medico di bordo. Si scopre che è identica agli umani, se non fosse per la pelle blu.