What we do in this time of COVID-19 will help us understand that we are all moving toward new opportunities in health and transformation. Sending us a message of hope from her home, Regina Meredith calls for us to take advantage of our time at home and use it wisely to fill our lives with faith, grace, gratitude, and laughter. This will help us to step up as a source of inspiration for others trying to find their way through these changes.She reveals that what we are now experiencing was foretold in Vedic and Western Astrology, as relayed by Simon Chokoisky and Robert Phoenix.https://www.gaia.com/video/dharma-method-simon-chokoiskyhttps://www.gaia.com/video/millennial-shadow-pluto-robert-phoenix
As we are all trying to keep our loved ones safe from the spread of the novel coronavirus, there are things we can do to return to coherence with the planet. Matias De Stefano sends us a personal message of hope, explaining that we can use this time as an opportunity to think about who we are, why we are doing this, and what we can do to change our reality. This will help us to reconnect the consciousness of the planet, realize that we are all one, and discover the things that we can do to improve ourselves as a species.
The fear of the novel coronavirus has gripped the world in anxiety and uncertainty. Sending us a message of hope from his home, Dr. Bruce Lipton helps us to better understand the nature of this new virus and shares his perspective of the risks and its severity. He explains how we can reduce the symptomology and help each other get through this.
As COVID-19 spreads through our communities there is a way that we can take charge of our lives, rather than accept the role of victim. Dr. Sue Morter sends us a message of hope, calling for us to create an environment, within our bodies where viruses cannot thrive. This involves increasing alkalinity of the body and improving the immune system by reducing the amount of fear and anxiety in our bodies.
With the spread of COVID-19, we are being asked to go inside and withdraw from the world. From her home, Dr. Theresa Bullard sends us a message of hope to explain the importance of moving inward, even deeper, to touch the inner flame of consciousness and unite with divinity within. As we work to unify the heart of mind, we create a state of being where we are letting go of the things that no longer serve so that we may emerge back into the world connected with the core of the essential self.
James Colquhoun founder of FMTV sends us a special message, from him, about the transformation that we can achieve through insight and pain. With COVID-19 spreading across the globe, these times are especially difficult, filled with uncertainty and fear. But we do not need to succumb to the feeling that everything in our lives is out of control. He reminds us how we can tune inward, to take control of our inner world, so that we can handle the events of the world with grace and a higher vibration.
Speaking from his home, William Henry advises us, as the world is on lockdown from the corona virus, we have been given a wake-up call. It is in this present moment that we will discover our true power if we are willing to go deep within the soul to reflect, contemplate, and meditate. It is then that we will find the peace and tremendous power we have within. This is what it takes to becoming the peacemakers that our families and the world need us to be.Follow link to view these Season 2 episodes of Arcanum:https://www.gaia.com/series/arcanum?season=2