Auch in der anderen Welt kann Eggman nicht von seinen Welteroberungsplänen lassen. Das interessiert jedoch keinen so richtig, denn die Freunde müssen feststellen, dass Sonic nicht mitgekommen ist. Doch nach einigen dramatischen Momenten hat der kleine Igel eine große Überraschung parat.
All the animals (except Sonic) are now back at their original world. Amy is having dinner with Cream and Cream's mom at their house, and Knuckles and Rouge are talking in the woods. Suddenly, Eggman hatches a plan, and Tails gets in his plane to stop him. Tails, is almost beaten, but luckily an old friend, Sonic, as Super Sonic, has finally returned, and pops in, saves him and beats Eggman. Meanwhile in Chris' world years have passed. Chris is now a adult. Suddenly he starts remembering all the fun, and the struggles he had with Sonic as a kid.
Tornati nel loro mondo, gli amici di Sonic aspettano il suo ritorno... persino Eggman. Sei anni dopo Chris riflette sui tanti ricordi che lo accomunano a Sonic.
Sonic vuelve al planeta de Chris y, en vez de quedarse con Tails va directo a casa de Amy en su Super forma, mientras Amy se encuentra con Cream en la casa de esta, Amy "presiente" a Sonic y sale de la casa para ver a Super sonic volando hacia la casa de ella