Nachdem Sonic die Basis von Eggman zerstört hat, wird er eine berühmte Persönlichkeit, und der Präsident lädt ihn und seine Freunde zu einer Party ein. Doch Sonic kann nicht kommen, denn er hat seiner Freundin Helen versprochen, mit ihr einen Berg zu besteigen, weil ihr Vater nie eine Bergtour unternommen hat ...
Eggman's base is destroyed. However, the press conference's topic is focused on Sonic, who is not present. The presidential aide is upset by this, believing that if this goes on, the President will lose his next election. Wanting to somehow raise the President's popularity, he decides to open up Sonic's victory celebration and have the photo of Sonic shaking hands with the President taken by the media. He immediately sends Sonic a written invitation. Chuck prepares brand new tuxedos for Sonic and the others. However, Sonic says he has something else to do. It turns out he promised to meet with Helen, a girl who is Chris' classmate and wheelchair bound. Wanting to have Sonic present at any cost, the aide uses special forces to chase after him.
Il presidente organizza un ricevimento per festeggiare la sconfitta di Eggman, con Sonic come ospite d'onore. Sfortunatamente per lui Sonic non si trova da nessuna parte.
Preocupado por las reelecciones el ayudante del presidente organiza una cena benéfica, para que los medios fotografien a Sonic estrechando la mano del presidente, como signo de que son amigos, y así aumentar los votos del candidato.