Míša nastupuje na urgent a její manžel Martin se snaží zvládat roli muže v domácnosti a zároveň trénink dcery Andy. Míša se musí hned první den v práci vypořádat s psychicky náročnou situací – její pacient je dítě a je ve vážném stavu. Katku s Barčou šikanuje Libuška. Od začátku má na dvě mladé holky spadeno a žádný jejich pokus o smír nepomáhá. Lukáš odráží babiččiny pokusy udržet ho na studiích za každou cenu a musí kvůli tomu vytrpět na urgentu nejednu ostudu. Michal Tomášek se zraní při zásahu se záchrankou a jeho zdravotní stav se navíc nečekaně zkomplikuje. Mery s Markétou prožívají těžké chvíle.
Míša starts urgent and her husband Martin tries to manage the role of a man in the household and at the same time train his daughter Andy. Míša has to deal with a mentally demanding situation on the first day at work - her patient is a child and is in serious condition. Katka and Barča are bullied by Libuška. From the beginning, he has fallen for two young girls, and none of their attempts at peace helps. Lukáš reflects his grandmother's attempts to keep him in his studies at all costs, and because of this he has to suffer more than one shame on the urgency. Michal Tomášek is injured during an ambulance intervention and his health condition is also unexpectedly complicated. Mery and Markéta are having a hard time.