Jerry und George spötteln über die Geräusche, die Claires Magen während der Nacht von sich gibt. Nach einem schlechten Scherz verläßt Claire Jerry. Doch das hält nicht lange vor, und Claire gibt Jerry noch eine Chance. Außerdem mischt sich Jerry in Elaines Beziehung mit David Puddy ein. Die beiden schließen sogar eine Wette über 50 Dollar ab, daß Elaine David wiedersehen wird. Nachdem Elaine eine Nacht nicht zu Hause geschlafen hat, hat sie die Wette verloren.
George's employer wants to get rid of him, since they now know he isn't really handicapped and they don't like him. He has a one-year contract with Play Now that he will make sure they honor by him showing up for work every day. Jerry and George mock the sounds the Jerry's girlfriend Claire's stomach makes during the night. Jerry envisions the belly button as the mouth and the sound the stomach makes its voice. Because of the "bump into" Jerry tells Elaine that she is destined to backslide into her relationship with David Puddy, she bets him $50 that she won't. The next day Jerry discovers that Elaine didn't go home last night, he accuses her of seeing Puddy. She says the sex they had was an isolated incident. Jerry agrees but the dinner they also had was more of a commitment, he demands that she pay up. Kramer is tired of seeing all his ideas implemented, because all the little day to day incidental things keeps getting in his way and keeping him realizing his ideas. He gets an intern from NYU to help him out with Kramerica Industries; the corporation he had previously setup to develop some of his ideas. With this help he'll be freed from the day-to-day activities and be able to develop his ideas, such as the oil tanker bladder. Meanwhile, George is fighting the siege mentality that he is encountering at work and Elaine just can't get Puddy off her mind. No matter what the obstacle, George endeavors to occupy his office. Jerry tells Claire about the voice and she leaves him. The university takes Kramer's intern away from him. Claire says they can get back together if he won't do the voice ever again, he decides the voice is worth it. Unfortunately, everyone is tired off the voice. Elaine pays ups and they decided on a double or nothing bet. The intern comes back on his own because he believes in Kramerica. Play Now tries to negotiate with George, but he won't give in. Later, he offers his office and one of their rubber balls to allow Kramer to test his oil bladder
Jerry pilailee tyttöystävänsä kustannuksella ja tyttö pakottaa Jerryn valitsemaan äänen ja tytön välillä. George saa jälleen kerran potkut ja Elaine yrittää päästä eroon poikaystävästään - turhaan.
Jerry est sur le point de perdre sa petite amie à la suite d'une plaisanterie ridicule, tandis que George ne voit pas en quoi son licenciement l'empêcherait de continuer à occuper son poste. Son employeur s'est en effet rendu compte qu'il n'était pas du tout handicapé, comme il le prétendait. Dès lors, les bases de son contrat sont caduques...
החבורה מתחילה להשתמש בקול כיפי, רועם ומצחיק. אבל כשהחברה של ג'רי מגלה שהקול אמור לייצג את הקולות שהבטן שלה משמיעה, היא מעמידה בפני ג'רי את הברירה של או להמשיך ולצאת איתה או להמשיך ולהשתמש בקול.
George è stato assunto perché il suo datore di lavoro pensava fosse un portatore di handicap. Ma il suo capo, adesso che si è reso conto della verità, vorrebbe liberarsi di lui. Jerry esce con una ragazza molto attraente, Claire, che però ha un solo problema: durante la notte il suo stomaco emette come una strana voce...Nel frattempo Kramer decide finalmente di mettersi all'opera per realizzare i propri brevetti.
Enquanto Jerry arrisca perder uma namorada por causa de uma piada, George continua a trabalhar, apesar dos pedidos para se ir embora; Elaine descobre que terminar uma relação não é fácil, enquanto Kramer contrata uma assistente.
Jerry y George se quedan muy sorprendidos cuando escuchan los ruidos que hace el estómago de Claire, la nueva novia de Jerry, mientras duerme. Por otro lado, Elaine apuesta con Jerry 50 dólares a que no va a volver con David.
O empregador de George descobre que ele não é realmente deficiente e quer demiti-lo. George e Jerry conversam sobre o barulho que o estômago de Claire, namorada de Seinfeld faz. Jerry começa a falar com os outros fazendo uma voz parecida com o barulho do estômago. Elaine fica com Puddy e agora tem que pagar uma aposta que fez com Seinfeld. Irritada, Claire só concorda em voltar com Jerry se ele não fizer a voz nunca mais. Kramer está cansado de ver todas suas idéias sendo implementadas e resolve abrir uma empresa.
Jerry dâ blesav glas trbuhu svoje djevojke. Kramer zaposli stažista. Elaine se pomiri s Puddyjem. George odbija dati otkaz.
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