Jerrys neue Freundin will unbedingt wissen, wie schnell er wütend wird. Jerry gibt ihr auf der Stelle eine Kostprobe seines Zorns, worauf die Freundin das Weite sucht. Verzweifelt macht Jerry daraufhin Elaine einen Heiratsantrag. Doch die hat auch noch andere Verehrer: zum Beispiel Vater und Sohn Lippman. George erklärt Elaine, dass sie auf jüdische Männer durch ihren "Schicksen-Appeal" anziehend wirke. Daraufhin sucht Elaine einen Rabbi auf, um sich Rat zu holen.
Frank is supposed to say "serenity now" every time his blood pressure is in danger of going up. Jerry's girlfriend gives his Knicks tickets away. She comments that she has never seen him get "real mad." George gets Kramer to help him fix his parents' screen door. They remove the old door and Kramer takes it with him. Frank is selling computers; he wants to bring George into his business. Lippman's boy tries taking advantage of becoming a man at his bar mitzvah by using his tongue while kissing Elaine. Kramer installs the screen door outside his apartment to give his apartment "the cool even breezes of Anytown, USA." His initial instinct is to quit, but George decides it is finally time to take on his arch-nemesis, Lloyd Braun, whom Frank has also hired to sell computers. When Jerry learns how to get mad, it releases all his other feelings, including caring and another that results in a proposal. Kramer fights with the neighborhood kids of "Anytown, USA." George tells Elaine she is attractive to the Lippman men because of her "shiksappeal." The result gets her two Lippman "men" who want to denounce their religion. George hatches a scheme to sell more computers; however, continual use of the phrase "serenity now" has an "impact" on computer sales. The release of emotions from George has an impact on emotional Jerry. Elaine seeks help from a "rabbi" to see if she can reduce her "shiksappeal."
George menee töihin isänsä autotallifirmaan ja Kramer elää pikkukaupunkilaiselämää ihan kotonaan. Elainesta on tullut juutalaisten miesten himoitsema ja Jerry avautuu tunteilleen.
Jerry reçoit des tickets pour un match. Pendant ce temps, le fils d'une connaissance d'Elaine l'embrasse. George apprend que son père a de la pression artérielle.
ג'ורג' נאלץ למכור מחשבים עם אביו שמשתמש בטכניקת הירגעות יוצאת דופן על מנת לשלוט בלחץ הדם שלו. בינתיים, החברה הנוכחית של ג'רי עוזרת לו להתחבר לרגשות, ולקריימר יש בעיות עם ילדי השכונה בעקבות שיפוצים שהוא עושה בבית.
Il padre di George vorrebbe che lui entrasse nella sua ditta per vendere computer. La ragazza di Jerry getta via i suoi biglietti per la partita di basket, con il proposito di fare scoprire al comico l'emozione della rabbia. Il guaio è che Jerry incomincia a sperimentare anche un'ulteriore vasta gamma di sentimenti.... Elaine deve nel frattempo tener testa alle mire del figlio di Lippmann, che sta per celebrare il suo bar mitzvah.
Jerry aceita o desafio da namorada de ficar zangado e o George tenta vender computadores com o pai dele. A Elaine rechaça o Lippman e o seu filho adolescente.
La novia de Jerry pierde sus entradas para los Knicks. Mientras, Kramer y George deciden cambiar ellos mismos una puerta.
Frank começa a usar a frase “serenidade agora” toda vez que sua pressão sanguínea está prestes a subir. A namorada de Jerry joga fora seus ingressos pra o jogo dos “Nicks” e ele fica muito irritado. George chama Kramer para ir até a casa de seus pais. Frank está agora vendendo computadores e quer que George entre nos negócios. Elaine tem que lidar com os hormônios de um jovenzinho em um barmitzvah. Um vendedor de Frank está vendendo computadores que nem água. George quer descobrir o segredo por trás destas vendas.
Frank ima novu strategiju kontrole bijesa. George i Lloyd Braun prodaju računala. Elaine ode na bar micvu. Jerry izrazi svoje osjećaje.