Das Forschungslabor Ikeda geht auf Exkursion nach Okinawa, um dort mit anderen ein Trainingscamp zu veranstalten. Aber erst einmal will der Strand und das schöne blaue Meer der Insel ausgiebig genutzt werden!
At long last, it's the first day of the summer training camp. On the plane, Yukimura presses close to Himuro and tries to collect her saliva in spite of the surrounding gazes. Manga artist Yamamoto observes them with an eerie smile. On the beach in Okinawa, the midsummer sun shines down on Yukimura and Himuro in their swimsuits, and they immediately attempt to begin their close physical contact experiment. However, since they're doing it, they choose to seek "the position which offers two people having close physical contact the greatest contact area"...
Chegou o tão esperado dia do acampamento de treinamento! A viagem tão aguardada será em Okinawa, ilha que fica mais ao sul do Japão e tem um clima tropical, perfeito para coletar dados que possam evidenciar o amor.
Toute l’équipe part au soleil pour Okiwana et son camp d’été ! Mais quand des rats de laboratoire arrivent à la plage, forcément, rien ne se passe de façon normale, surtout quand il s’agit d’expériences à mener.
يذهب طلاب مختبر إيكيدا إلى شاطئ أوكيناوا من أجل الاستمتاع بوقتهم لكن يوكيمورا وهيمورو يواصلان إجراء تجاربهما لكن هنالك مشكلة عويصة تعترض طريق التجربة الموالية، فهل سينجحان فيها؟
El laboratorio al completo acude a Okinawa para comprobar más situaciones de contacto físico y qué sienten al verse en traje de baño, pero las dudas posponen todo un poco.