Kosuke hat ein Problem. Er findet kein rechtes Forschungsthema und sich selbst auch vergleichsweise dumm im Labor. Aber wozu hat man Kollegen, wenn sie nicht auch da mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stünden? Und es gibt auch noch einen unerwarteten Überraschungsbesuch im Forschungslabor ...
Yukimura and the others will be giving presentations at the summer study sessions. There's less than a month left until the training camp, but Kosuke still hasn't picked a research theme. Professor Ikeda suggests research into "an algorithm that could instantly find the True End in any dating game." On the other hand, Yukimura and Himuro are focused on the hormone which is released when a person is touched by someone they love - oxytocin. By investigating the amount present in a person's saliva, they think they might be able to determine if the person loves the one who touched them, and they decide to immediately put it to the test with some close contact...
Kosuke n’a toujours pas trouvé de sujet de thèse. Son professeur lui propose alors d’allier études et passion, ce qui ne semble pas déplaire au jeune scientifique qui se sent misérable à côté de ses camarades.
O pessoal do laboratório Ikeda fará um acampamento de treinamento em breve e Kosuke ainda não definiu o tema da sua pesquisa. Numa tentativa de incentivar o garoto, o professor Takeda sugere temas relacionados aos gostos dele e, durante a animada discussão, surge uma visita desconhecida para quase todos ali presentes.
Kosuke está preocupado porque él no parece encajar en el laboratorio, pero el profesor le anima dándole un tema de investigación que le llama la atención. Por su parte, Yukimura y Kanade quieren analizar su saliva tras el contacto físico y aparece alguien nuevo en el laboratorio.