Nos scientifiques n’avancent pas dans leurs recherches. Pour savoir ce qu’est l’amour, ils ont besoin d’un autre individu qui s’y connaît en la matière. Ça tombe bien, Kosuke est de retour au laboratoire.
Auch dieses Mal wird versucht, durch quantifizierbare Merkmale der Liebe habhaft zu werden. Doch HiWi Kanade bringt den Einwand, man könne sich auch ganz ordinär mal daten. Was durchaus einen Versuch wert zu sein scheint.
When Himuro finds out that her junior in the Ikeda lab, Kosuke, has spent over 220 thousand yen on his beloved Aika and holds her every night when he goes to sleep, she is shaken by the realization that the only present she's ever given Yukimura is a notebook, and that she's never held him while she slept. She worries that she can't objectively call what she feels "love." As Yukimura and Himuro endlessly debate "love" using numbers, Kanade proposes that the two of them go on a date, but...
Os experimentos ainda possuem resultados duvidosos e o casal Himuro e Yukimura apelam para obter conhecimento sobre romance com outro colega de laboratório. Parece que ele é bem experiente.
Una cita es una expresión básica del amor, pero ¿cómo hacerla eficiente y de forma que sus datos puedan servir para su investigación?