Yuu's older sister, Mitsuki, who has never met Haruka face to face before, ends up having her glasses broken due to Yuu. Meanwhile, Yuu becomes downhearted when she learns the sports festival is being downsized to a sports meet due to the school closing in three years, meaning she won't be able to do a cheering event. Wanting to help Yuu out, Haruka and the others join the meet committee to state their case to the student council, led by Mitsuki. Despite some initial failure, Haruka manages to build up the courage to state her plea to Mitsuki, who considers it. Later that day, however, Mitsuki comes across Haruka and Yuu in a compromising situation. Later, the girls get together to clean the pool, with Haruka and Yuu finding an opportunity to do some kissing in the pool storage.
一方その春香たちは、今年は生徒数やコストの関係で体育祭は行われず、代わりに小規模の球技大会となることを知らされショックを受ける。 せめて優がやりたがっている応援団だけでも実現させるため、そして限られた時間での大切な思い出をつくるため、春香は実行委員となり美月のいる会議に乗り込むが…。
유우의 언니이자 학생회장인 소노다 미츠키는 유우가 매일마다 이야기하지만 얼굴은 한 번도 본 적 없는 소녀, 하루카가 신경 쓰이기 시작한다. 그리고 머지않아 두 사람은 구기대회의 준비위원회의에서 마주치게 되는데...
La hermana mayor de Yuu, Mitsuki, que nunca antes había conocido a Haruka cara a cara, termina con sus gafas rotas debido a Yuu. Mientras tanto, Yuu se desanima cuando se entera de que el festival deportivo se reducirá a una competencia deportiva debido al cierre de la escuela en tres años, lo que significa que no podrá hacer un evento de porristas. Queriendo ayudar a Yuu, Haruka y las demás se unen al comité de la competencia para exponer su caso ante el consejo estudiantil, liderado por Mitsuki.