The final's first round starts when Ryūmonbuchi representative Jun Inoue accidentally eats Yūki's only taco. The latter cries and causes a commotion, but Mihoko shares her lunch box with her. As the game progresses, Jun starts to win many hands and pressures Yūki who is gradually losing her confidence. Mihoko opens her right eye and uses her power to read the game's flow in order to help Yūki gain her points back from Jun. Jun gets irritated over the two teaming up against her while Yūki thinks Mihoko is her ally. However, Mihoko surprises everyone with her continuous winning, and both Jun and Yūki finally realizes that she is the true enemy. The first round ends with Mihoko completely dominating the game points for the Kazekoshi team.
Les finales ont commencé et le club de mah-jong de Kiyosumi est en panique ! Les tacos, la source d'énergie de Yûki, ont été volés. En choc, elle se retrouve en pleurs. Heureusement, la capitaine de Kazekoshi est là !
決勝戦へ臨む清澄高校麻雀部に緊急事態が発生! 優希の力の源「タコス」が奪われてしまった! ショックで涙を浮かべる優希だが、彼女の肩に手が優しく差し述べられる。それは優希と対戦する風越女子の部長、福路美穂子だった。
¡Ha ocurrido una emergencia en el club de Mahjong de Kiyosumi High School de cara a la final! ¡La fuente del poder de Yuki "Tacos" ha sido robada! Yuki llora en estado de shock, pero su mano toca suavemente su hombro. Fue Mihoko Fukuji, la directora de Kazekoshi Girls quien jugará contra Yuki.
La finale è cominciata e la Kiyosumi è in guai seri! Qualcuno si è mangiato i taco di Yuuki! Riuscirà senza la fonte del suo potere a tener testa al capitano della Kazekoshi e alle altre rivali?