All the schools gather for the training camp where Yumi gives Hisa some data on the other opponents in the nationals. Later on, nearly everyone takes an interest in ping pong (that ended with Tōka dominating over everybody who participated, prompting Saki and Nodoka to stay by the sidelines) while Mako and some others fail to get revenge on Kaori's beginner's luck. The next morning, some of the girls go in the onsen to discuss the powerhouses of the nationals, including Saki's sister, Teru. Hisa's suspicion of Saki as Teru's younger sibling was confirmed by Saki's reaction when she confronted her of this fact. Saki is a bit shocked to hear from Mohoko that Teru had denied having a sister, so Nodoka decides to take her to a shrine to cheer her up. Afterwards, they exchange souvenirs and decide to call each other by their given names. After they get back, the training starts in a room where the players from Kiyosumi, Ryūmonbuchi, Kazekoshi, and Tsuruga are already seated and ready to play, with Hisa also having invited Fujita to join them. Kiyosumi prepare themselves for the nationals.
Le second camp d'entraînement a commencé ! Les joueuses du club ont en effet besoin de s'exercer avant le tournoi national qui s'annonce rude. Pendant ce temps, Saki et Nodoka se rapprochent et échangent leur souvenirs.
El campo de entrenamiento conjunto de cuatro escuelas, que es realizado por los miembros finales de la competencia por equipos, finalmente ha comenzado. Sin embargo, tan pronto como llegamos al campo de entrenamiento, todos nos bañamos y jugamos un partido de tenis de mesa, por lo que el entrenamiento especial no progresó fácilmente. Aun así, el intercambio entre escuelas fue un momento insustituible para Saki y Wa.
Al ritiro non manca nessuno e le ragazze hanno modo di cementare la loro amicizia fra un bagno termale e una partita di mahjong. Per Saki si avvicina il momento di sfidare sua sorella, ai campionati nazionali. Al suo fianco c'è sempre Nodoka, ormai sua amica inseparabile.