Kenshin and Sanosuke continue to fight Zan and Ren while Baku is unnoticed. Sanosuke is having a bit of trouble but with the help of Kaoru, Sanosuke is able to defeat Zan. Kenshin's senses are being distorted and is having trouble with Ren, Kaita told Kenshin to attack the bats, after that everything was more clear, Ren and Baku were defeated shortly. A bat slowly flew away and tried to report back, Kenshin and the others followed it and found the divine medicine. Lieutenant Melder had betrayed Misanagi and Schneider would not put up with it so he fought Melder but got injured. Kenshin arrived and was going to fight Lieutenant Melder.
Kenshin e Sano enfrentam o trio Sanada. Kaita tenta lutar, mas é atacado por Baku. Os Cavaleiros Negros descobrem o jardim com plantas, que são a matéria-prima do elixir milagroso. Os heróis seguem os morcegos e encontram os Cavaleiros. Melders trai Misanagi e manda Lentz atacá-la, ferindo-a. Schneider fica ao lado da ninja e luta contra Melders, mas perde. Kenshin luta contra o líder.
Kenshin y Sanosuke continúan luchando contra Zan y Ren mientras Bakú pasa desapercibido. Sanosuke está teniendo algunos problemas, pero con la ayuda de Kaoru, Sanosuke puede derrotar a Zan. Los sentidos de Kenshin se están distorsionando y está teniendo problemas con Ren, Kaita le dijo a Kenshin que atacara a los murciélagos, después de eso todo estaba más claro, Ren y Baku fueron derrotados en breve.
Après que leur recherche les aient conduit au médicament cachée, le chef des Chevaliers Noirs indique clairement qu’il n’a pas l’intention d’honorer sa promesse de céder le contrôle du Japon à la Sanada Ninjas.
신성한 영약을 찾기 위해 신전 안에 들어선 켄신 일행을 공격하는 사나다 3인방. 하지만 카이의 조언과 켄신의 활약으로 적을 무사히 물리치고 이들은 다시 흑 기사단을 쫓는다. 한편 마침내 신성한 영약을 찾아낸 멜더스 중위는 이용 가치가 없어진 세나를 처치하려 한다. 하지만 슈나이더가 이를 가로막고 서는데...