Kenshin and the rest fell underground and had no idea of what to do. Meanwhile Misanagi and the Black Knights enter the path way and begin to move toward the divine medicine. Later on, gas was leaking in and in less than half an hour Kenshin and the others would be goners. Sanosuke punched the wall and water came rushing out, because of that they were able to escape. Outside Yutaro found someone, it was a ninja named Kaita. He was injured and was going to die if not treated. Yutaro worked hard and treated Kaita's wounds, he woke up and helped them by using a shortcut so they could get caught up. Finally getting inside there were three guards, Zan, Ren and Baku, they attacked everyone and Ren was able to cancel out one of Kenshin's attack.
O abismo leva a um templo. Lents ameaça Misanagi, mas ela avisa que está sob proteção do trio Sanada. Os heróis caem em um outro compartimento com enxofre. Eles estão prestes a se sufocar quando Sano dá um golpe na parece e descobre um rio subterrâneo. Saindo da caverna encontram Kaita ferido. O ninja ajuda o grupo a entrar no templo. Eles travam uma batalha contra o trio Sanada-Ren, Tin e Baku.
Kenshin y el resto cayeron bajo tierra y no tenían idea de qué hacer. Mientras tanto, Misanagi y los Caballeros Negros entran en el camino y comienzan a moverse hacia la medicina divina. Más tarde, el gas se filtró y en menos de media hora Kenshin y los demás serían goners. Sanosuke golpeó la pared y el agua salió corriendo, por eso pudieron escapar.
Après avoir survécu à la chute d'un volcan, la Force de la paix tombe sur une Sanada Ninja blessée qui jure de combattre ses anciens alliés.
신성한 영약을 찾기 위해 신전 안으로 들어선 켄신 일행. 하지만 적의 함정에 빠져 죽을 위기에 처한다. 하지만 유타의 기지로 간신히 살아난 켄신 일행은 우연히 구하게 된 사나다의 닌자, 카이의 도움으로 다시 신전 안으로 향하는데…