Misao was caught by two men and was brought to the leader of the army, she kept on telling them that Kenshin is negotiating with Shougo. Finally Elsten arrived and tried to stop the attack, he was only able to stop it for an hour, after the hour they would attack. Misao went off to tell Kenshin he has an hour and if he was successful she would throw a signal out to let him know. Kenshin had already started to fight Shougo, finally both used the succession technique and Shougo was defeated. Kenshin had gained his sight again and Misao just arrived.
Kenshin tenta convencer Shogo Amakusa a se render, mas ele não quer conversa e os dois voltam a lutar. Mesmo cego, Kenshin consegue se defender dos golpes do adversário. Em seguida, os dois usam ao mesmo tempo o mais poderoso golpe da técnica Hiten Mitsurugui: Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki. Kenshin executa o golpe com perfeição e Amakusa acaba derrotado. Após a vitória, Kenshin recupera a visão.
Misao fue atrapado por dos hombres y llevado al líder del ejército, ella seguía diciéndoles que Kenshin está negociando con Shougo. Finalmente, Elsten llegó e intentó detener el ataque, solo pudo detenerlo durante una hora, después de la hora en que atacarían. Misao se fue a decirle a Kenshin que tenía una hora y, si tenía éxito, ella enviaría una señal para avisarle.
Comme Misao et le consul néerlandais demandent à l’armée de retarder leurs attaques, Kenshin aveuglé retient Shogo pour éviter le martyre de ses disciples.
반역자들을 처단하기 위해서 성령의 언덕을 점점 죄어오는 군사들. 네덜란드 영사인 엘스턴은 쓸데없는 살생을 막기 위해 애를 쓰지만 총사령관의 결심은 단호하다. 한편 켄신은 아마쿠사 쇼고를 막기 위해 1 대 1 대결을 펼치게 되고 두 사람은 똑 같은 비천 어검류로 숙명의 한판승을 벌이게 되는데…