As the duel between Aoshi and Kenshin continues, Kenshin is being attacked by Aoshi while he tries to say words to Aoshi to try and wake him up; to make him become the man he used to be. Kenshin is determined to return Aoshi to what he used to be: a man of caring, and happiness, so that he can bring back the true Aoshi to Misao, and keep both promises he made to both of them. Aoshi realizes that what he has been doing was wrong all along, and they both used their final attacks on each other. Ultimately Kenshin emerged victorious and Kenshin, Sanosuke Sagara and Yumi Komagota move on to the next battle.
Mesmo tendo retomado a razão após a bronca de Kenshin, Aoshi insiste em terminar a luta. Sem alternativa, o herói aplica em seu oponente o mesmo golpe com o qual derrotara o mestre Hiko. Enquanto isso, em Aoiya, Yahiko prepara-se para enfrentar o voador Henya.
Kenshin reconoce que el estado mental de Aoshi es sumamente débil pues solo quiere complacer sus propios fines egoístas al precio de dejarlo todo para ser el más poderoso. Aoshi no se inmuta ante sus palabras y continúa atacando pero Kenshin le hace reconocer la realidad y Aoshi recapacita, pero quiere superarlo a cambio de terminar la pelea, Kenshin está de acuerdo y finalmente aparece el Aoshi de siempre.
Après avoir été battu par Kenshin, Aoshi jure de renoncer à Shishio. Alors que Shishio cherche un faille dans la technique de Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko et Misao se battent pour rester en vie...
드디어 아오시와 맞서게 된 켄신. 하지만 켄신의 처절한 외침이 얼어 붙어있던 아오시의 정신을 깨우고 이들은 정정당당한 한판 승을 벌이기로 결심한다. 한편 아오이 정에 남아있는 사람들을 해치러 간 십본도는 드디어 카린 일행과 맞붙게 되는데…