Haiji suddenly faints. The residents realize how Haiji has been supporting them, and Nico-chan encourages Kakeru and Prince to reconcile. However, the stubborn boys refuse to bridge the gap. The next day, Shindo suggests that the team pick a temporary captain. When all the older members refuse, Kakeru agrees to do the job. Desperate to do something about Prince, Kakeru follows him around while nagging him. Prince's opposition increases in response. As the residents are unable to even feed themselves, someone comes to extend a helping hand...
Haiji est mal en point, le surmenage aura eu raison de lui. L’équipe doit donc apprendre à s’entraîner sans lui, et tous compteront sur Kakeru pour les guider. Le jeune garçon prendra alors Prince sous son aile.
하이지가 쓰러졌고, 그걸 본 멤버들은 하이지에게 모든 것을 맡긴 채 의지하고만 있던 것을 깨닫는다. 이에 니코짱 선배는 카케루와 왕자에게 화해하는 말을 꺼내지만 고집불통인 두 사람은 결국 마음의 거리를 좁히는 것에 실패하는데.
Haiji acaba desmaiando e isso deixa todos apreensivos. Mesmo assim, a vida segue e todos precisam continuar com suas tarefas e deveres que assumiram, como os treinos diários. A principal preocupação é com o Príncipe, que está muito longe da condição ideal para participar de qualquer competição.
يسقط هايجي طريحاً بعد ضغطه على نفسه، ويتعاون الجميع في الاعتناء به. في هذه الأثناء يحاول كاكيرو مساعدة أمير في تحسين ركضه بطريقة ما