The key phrase ""Churns beneath the Swirling Salt"" leads Ryo, Sage, and the gang to a river where three whirlpools mark Cye of the Torrent's under water resting place.
Sage and Mia rush to the north to find Kento, while Ryo, Yuli, and White Blaze stay behind to revive Cye. Ryo boasts that the rescue mission will be ""completely routine"" (a good example of his cockiness in the early episodes) but Sekhmet stands by and watches from a safe distance, plotting to destroy Ryo and Cye with one swoop.
Ryo dives into the water, and runs into several of Talpa's spear throwing goons. After a while, he transforms into his armor and quickly dispatches them, before continuing on to Cye's resting place.
Meanwhile, Cye senses Ryo's presence, but is unable to wake himself up from the suspended animation. He's surrounded by three whirlpools, several hundred fish, and an orca more commonly known as a killer whale, all seem intent on keeping him safe.
Ryo begins to feel sharp pains and his armor begins spou
Arkatakor a ordonné à Cyanor de se débarrasser de Ryô. Un combat tout feu et tout flamme se prépare au fond de l'eau. Ryô, qui a plongé dans la rivière pour aller sauver un de ses amis, est attaqué par Cyanor et ses hommes. Heureusement, Yann lui viendra en aide : sur terre et sous mer, les deux Samouraïs de l'Éternel livrent une nouvelle bataille contre les forces du mal.
I nostri eroi si dividono per cercare i loro compagni scomparsi: Ryo e Danny sono al Mare dei Vortici, dove giace il corpo di Simo, il Cavaliere Samurai che domina l'elemento dell'Acqua; mentre Sami ed Ambra si dirigono sulla vetta della Montagna Nevosa per cercare Shido. Ryo riesce a risvegliare Simo, ma vengono attaccati da Krana che contamina il Mare dei Vortici con il suo veleno...
シンは鳴門海峡、シュウは大雪山にいることをつき止めた一同は、二手に別れることに。リョウと純の白炎チームはシンの元に急ぐが、そこにはナアザの攻撃が待っていた。戦いを好まないシンの心がピンチを招き、絶体絶命の状況を呼んでしまう! 水滸の鎧パワーは覚醒するのか?
Arkatakor ordenó a Cyanor deshacerse de Ryo. Se está preparando una lucha de fuego y llamas en el fondo del agua. Ryo, que se lanzó al río para salvar a uno de sus amigos, es atacado por Cyanor y sus hombres. Afortunadamente, Yann vendrá en su ayuda: en tierra y bajo el mar, los dos Samurai del Señor están librando una nueva batalla contra las fuerzas del mal.