Ryo, Mia, and Yuli, have deciphered the poem to reveal the key phrase in finding Sage of the Halo. ""The Darkest Prison sheds the Light"". This leads Mia to believe that Sage is buried deep within the Pinnacle Cavern System (wouldn't ya know it, she was right too!)
Ryo and the gang go to Pinnacle to find Sage, but instead find a rather irritated Sekhmet. Sekhemet reveals that he let Ryo believe that he had killed Sekhmet, so that Ryo would lead him straight to Sage (a trend that follows through the next five or sixe episodes, that conveniently, none of the warriors ever catch onto). Ryo engages the warlord, telling Mia and Yuli to run, he immediately notices a difference in the strength and speed of his armor. He seems to have the upper hand, until Sekhmet threw six katanas, all six dripping with poison, at Ryo. Ryo dodged them all, but one came too close and dripped the poison into Ryo's wide open eyes, blinding him. Sekhemet was about to deal the final blow, when White Blaze rushed in
Tim, Sandy et Ryô partent à la recherche de Sarky, un autre Samouraï. Sur leur route surgit Cyanor, venu pour se venger de Ryô. Ils s'affrontent, mais Ryô, blessé au visage, est sauvé in extremis par le Tigre Kraor qui lui vient en aide. Cyanor s'en prend alors à Tim et Sandy. Combien de temps Sarki restera-t-il invisible ? Viendra-t-il à la rescousse de ses amis, en très mauvaise posture ?
Nella Caverna dell'Autunno, Ryo ritrova Sami, il Samurai della Luce, ma deve affrontare Krana che lo acceca usando il veleno della lama delle sue Spade Dente di Serpente. Solo il risveglio di Sami e la sua Spada della Luce potranno salvare Ryo il Fuoco da una fine ormai prossima...
短歌から、光輪のセイジが山口県の秋芳洞にいると知ったリョウたち。しかし、先回りをしたナアザがリョウに襲いかかり、毒を使ってリョウを失明させてしまう! 氷柱の中に眠るセイジは、リョウの想いを受け取り、覚醒できるのか? そして、リョウの運命は?
Tim, Sandy y Ryo van en busca de Sarky, otro Samurai. En su camino, aparece Cyanor, venga para vengarse de Ryô. Chocan, pero Ryô, herido en la cara, es salvado en extremo por el Tiger Kraor que viene en su ayuda. Cyanor luego ataca a Tim y Sandy. ¿Cuánto tiempo permanecerá Sarki invisible? ¿Vendrá al rescate de sus amigos, en muy mal estado?