Ito beginnt, Mikatans Identität zu hinterfragen, doch Mikatan versucht mit allen Mitteln, die Wahrheit zu verstecken. In der Zwischenzeit taucht ein mysteriöser Mann namens Miyazawa Kenji auf und Meikas wahre Identität wird ebenfalls enthüllt.
The "Qmay group" broadcasts a video challenging the government to explain an imminent asteroid due to arrive on New Year's Eve, leading Yūta to suspect that the group's recently deceased leader, Qmay Tsubouchi, is the spirit inhabiting his body. Later, as Mikatan plans a Christmas party in Ito's room, she uses Meika's camouflage technology to try and keep her identity as Strange Juice a secret from Ito. Later that night, an intruder from the Qmay group known as "Turtle Man" attempts to kidnap Muhi, who gets cut in the struggle but appears to have rapidly healed after being rescued by a costumed hero calling himself Kenji Miyazawa, who appears to have the same powers as Yūta. Afterwards, Ito and Rabura learn that Mikatan is Strange Juice while Meika is revealed to be a robot.
Ito soupçonne Mikatan d’être Strange Juice. Alors que cette dernière tente de préserver son identité secrète, un homme agresse Rabura. Cerise sur le gâteau : sa cible semble être Muhi, l’ourson recueilli par Ito…
Ito inizia a subodorare la vera identità di Mikatan, mentre lei cerca disperatamente di nasconderla. Intanto un misterioso individuo, Miyazawa Kenji, entra in scena, e viene svelato il segreto di Meika.
みかたんの正体に気づき始めた愛。みかたんはそれを必死に隠そうとするが、そんな中、1人のインベーダー(侵入者)が姿を現わす。撃退したのは謎のお助けマン、宮沢賢治! 一方、明香の正体も明らかになり…。
지구 멸망의 징조를 정부가 은폐하고 있다고 주장하는 Qmay회가 회자되고 있을 때, 나루기노 마키탄은 크리스마스 준비에 한창이었다.
Las cosas se complican en Koraikan, un misterioso hombre ataca el edifio para llevarse el oseszno y se devela la identidad secreta de Strange Juice, entre otros secretos de los habitantes del lugar.