T-Bag sice o jednoho svého otroka přichází, kontaktuje ale hned dalšího. Kellerman s Halem pokračují ve sledování Eldžeje, snažícího se spojit se s Veronikou, aby mu pomohla. Abruzziho neschopnost splnit požadavky gangsterů ohrožuje plán útěku.
Lincoln wird aus Sorge um seinen Sohn L.J. fast wahnsinnig und versucht, ihn wenigstens telefonisch zu erreichen, um ihm zu sagen, dass er sich an Veronica und Nick wenden soll.
Seth "Cherry" Hoffner approaches Michael for help but his request is cut short by T-Bag who interjects and subtly threatens Michael to stay out of his business. Fearing for his escape plan, Michael concedes. When Seth asks him for help the second time, Michael turns his back on him.
The team continues to work on pounding the concrete floor in the storage room during PI. Sucre worries over how they are going to dispose of the concrete fragments. Michael tells them to hide the fragments one piece at a time. They take the pieces out, littering and hiding them all over the yard. After Michael walks off, C-Note picks up one of the concrete fragments half hidden in the yard. As Michael and Sucre walk back to their cells, Seth jumps off from the second tier and hangs himself. Michael looks horrified.
Michael tells Lincoln of Seth's suicide and how he felt responsible for his death. Lincoln tells him that it's not his fault and that he had to keep the escape plan safe. Michael relays that their mother taught them better, "When a man is down, you give them your hand." Meanwhile, a new inmate, David "Tweener" Apolskis tries to fit in. However, neither the black nor white inmates want to associate with him. T-Bag uses this opportunity to intimidate Tweener and suggests that he could be his new "friend". Tweener tells T-Bag to stay away from him. T-Bag is annoyed by his noncompliance.
Dr. Sara Tancredi inquires Michael's insurance company about the cost of his medical treatments at Fox River. She finds out that he had psychiatric insurance. Sara visits his psychiatrist who informs her of Michael's psychiatric condition. Michael has low latent inhibition and low self-worth. The psychiatrist tells her that Michael's condition coupled with his high I.Q., explains why he goes to such extraordinary lengths to help other people. After Sara learns this, she becomes more perplexed by who Michael is.
Michael notices Tweener's distress and decides to intervene. He hits T-Bag
Michael aimerait venir en aide au petit protégé de T-Bag, mais il craint que celui-ci ne dévoile ses plans d'évasion aux gardiens... Lincoln est inquiet pour son fils qui est dans de sales draps. Il demande au directeur de la prison de lui obtenir une autorisation de sortie pour urgences familiales... Profitant qu'on les croit mort, Veronica et Nick poursuivent leur enquête...
Kellerman és Hale LJ nyomában járnak folyamatosan, a fiú nem érti, hogy találnak mindig rá. Végül apja tanácsára felhívja Veronicát, aki elmondja, hogy valószínűleg bemérik a telefonját. A börtönben ezalatt tovább folynak az előkészületek, a BM-es csapat jól halad az ásásokkal. Kiderül, hogy Abruzzi elmaradt a csúszópénzzel, melynek fejében Bellick a BM élére állította. Az őrök ezért új embereket jelölnek ki a pihenő felújítására.
Seth, il compagno di cella di T-Bag, chiede aiuto a Michael ma questi, temendo che ciò possa impedire la riuscita del suo piano, non ascolta le preghiere del ragazzo; poco dopo, Seth si suicida. Intanto arrivano al Fox River dei nuovi detenuti e T-Bag rivolge le sue attenzioni su un giovane da lui soprannominato 'Tweener'. Nick e Veronica incontrano la vedova Steadman che rivela loro delle interessanti informazioni. Abruzzi teme di perdere l'autorità all'interno del penitenziario: Philly Falzone infatti lo ha abbandonato per non essere riuscito a farsi dare la residenza di Fibonacci, l'uomo che testimoniando il mese successivo, lo condurrà al carcere. Continua la fuga di LJ, accusato dell'assassinio della madre e del compagno di lei: i Servizi Segreti tentano di raggiungerlo ma il ragazzo, grazie ad una telefonata di Lincoln dal carcere, riesce a mettersi in contatto con Veronica e Nick, grazie ai quali si libera degli inseguitori. Mentre proseguono i lavori all'interno della stanza delle guardie, Michael decide di affrontare T-Bag e metterlo alle strette, salvando così il nuovo arrivato. La dottoressa Tancredi intanto indaga sulla situazione clinica di Michael e fa visita all'ex psicologo del ragazzo scoprendo così qualcosa in più sulla sua personalità. Abruzzi perde il comando delle P.I. a favore di Fiorello.
T-bag förlorar en slav och ger sig på en ny. Kellerman och Hale följer LJ som försöker att kontakta Veronica för att få hjälp och Abruzzis oförmåga att möta förbrytarnas krav äventyrar flykten.
Ο Τι-Μπαγκ χάνει έναν "σκλάβο" και βάζει στο μάτι έναν άλλο. Στο μεταξύ, ο υποβιβασμός του Αμπρούζι στην ιεραρχία της φυλακής θέτει το σχέδιο απόδρασης σε κίνδυνο.
Неожиданные новости о потере Абруцци лидерства и финансовой поддержки ставят план побега под угрозу, когда Беллик назначает на ремонт сгоревшего помещения новую бригаду. В то же время, став свидетелем самоубийства бывшего любовника Ти-Бэга, Майкл принимает решение защитить следующую намеченную тем жертву от посягательств насильника. Танкреди между тем добывает новые сведения о Скофилде и проникается к нему симпатией, а Эл Джей, по совету отца, находит поддержку в лице Вероники с Ником.
T-Bag menettää yhden orjan ja ottaa kohteekseen toisen. Samaan aikaan Abruzzin arvonalennus vankilan hierarkiassa vaarantaa pakosuunnitelman.
T-Bag perde um escravo e procura outro. Entretanto, a despromoção de Abruzzi na hierarquia da prisão põe em risco o plano de fuga.
אברוצ'י מצליח לשים את כל תכנון הבריחה בסכנה. מייקל מוצא את עצמו בעמדה אינדיווידואלית של לנסות להגן על טווינר מפני טי-באג ומפני סכנת ההדלפה לסוהרים. האסירים "קוברים" את עצמם בחור כדי להמשיך לחפור כל אחד בתורו.
T-Bah pierde un esclavo y busca otro. Kellerman y Hale siguen a LJ, que intenta contactar a Verónica. Abruzzi pone en riesgo la fuga.
T-Bag szuka nowego „niewolnika”. Abruzzi traci swoją pozycję w więziennej hierarchii, co zagraża planowi ucieczki.
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