Med sprehodom v gozdu lovec naleti na razpadlo truplo. Izkaže se, da gre za sina znanega svečinskega vinarja, čigar izginotja pa ni prijavil nihče. Glede na dejstvo, da je umorjeni pred kratkim prevzel družinsko podjetje, se inšpektorju Vrenku odpre cela vrsta osumljencev, od žrtvinih bližnjih sorodnikov do sodelavcev, ki pa imajo vsi skupno lastnost – nenavadne obsedenosti.
While walking in the forest, a hunter comes across a decomposed corpse. It turns out that he is the son of a well-known Svecina winemaker, whose disappearance was not reported by anyone. Given the fact that the murdered man has recently taken over the family business, a whole series of suspects opens up for Inspector Vrenko, from the victim's close relatives to colleagues, but they all have one thing in common - an unusual obsession.