Izkaže se, da imata nekdanja tesna sodelavca Alfi Filipčič in Aleksander Pucko nedokončane posle, saj Aleksander burno reagira na Alfijev obisk. Tudi Aleksandrova otroka Bojan in Iris sta vedela za nepravilnosti, ki jih je v podjetju zagrešil Filipčič, zato sta ga odpustila. Vendar pa nista vedela vsega o svojem očetu. Vrenko končno pridobi nalog za preiskavo vikenda, vendar prepozno, saj je vikend temeljito očiščen, prepozno pa je tudi za še eno življenje, ki ugasne na drugem koncu Maribora, kar inšpektorja Vrenka ponovno navda z melanholijo. Ve, da se je proti zlu treba boriti, težko pa sprejme, da ga ni mogoče do konca izkoreniniti.
It turns out that former close associates Alfi Filipcic and Aleksander Pucko have unfinished business, as Aleksander reacts violently to Alfi's visit. Aleksandr's children Bojan and Iris also knew about the irregularities committed by Filipcic in the company, so they fired him. However, they did not know everything about their father. Vrenko finally obtains a warrant to investigate the weekend, but too late, as the weekend is thoroughly cleaned, and it is also too late for another life that ends at the other end of Maribor, which again fills Inspector Vrenko with melancholy. He knows that evil must be fought, but he finds it difficult to accept that it cannot be completely eradicated.