The Masters Eight Tournament continues as the action moves to the second match of the first round: Lance, Champion of Kanto and Johto, versus Kalos Champion Diantha! Ash, Goh, and Hop watch from the stands, and there’s plenty of action. It’s three on three, starting with Lance’s Dragonite and Diantha’s Aurorus. Both teams are skilled, but the first bout goes to Lance! Next, Diantha brings out Gourgeist, while Lance switches Dragonite out and sends in Gyarados. Diantha wins, and the battle continues until finally it’s down to Lance’s Dynamax Dragonite versus Diantha’s Mega Gardevoir. Mega Gardevoir is victorious, and Diantha advances to the semifinals! Next up? Iris versus Cynthia!
No Torneio dos Oito Mestres, Ash, Goh e seu novo amigo Lupo veem Lance enfrentar Diantha no palco dos sonhos.
Le combat entre la Maître Diantéa et le Maître Jennai Peter va commencer
Das Turnier der Acht Meister geht weiter. Es ist Teil der Pokémon-Krönungs-Weltmeisterschaften. Im zweiten Kampf tritt Siegfried, der Champ von Kanto und Johto gegen Kalos-Champ Diantha an. Wer wird gewinnen?
Diantha sconfigge Lance e accede alle semifinali del Torneo Master.
Na Turnieju Mistrzowskiej Ósemki Ash, Goh i ich nowy przyjaciel, Hop, oglądają starcie Lance’a z Dianthą na Stadionie Wyndon, gdzie spełniają się marzenia.
No Torneio dos Oito Magistrais, Ash, Goh e o seu novo amigo Hop assistem ao confronto entre Lance e Diantha no palco dos sonhos.