Excitement is in the air as the Pokémon World Coronation Series Masters Eight Tournament is about to start! Ash and Goh are there, of course, and so is Leon’s younger brother, Hop. After Hop challenges Ash to a quick unofficial battle (Hop loses), the tournament begins. The Masters Eight are introduced, and then the first match gets underway—it’s Leon versus Alain! Both Trainers are formidable indeed, but Leon’s command of his Pokémon’s skills give him the edge and the victory. Next up? It’s a battle between Lance and Diantha, and the winner will get to battle Leon. Who will be victorious?
Dandel sconfigge Alan e accede alle semifinali del Torneo Master.
O Torneio dos Oito Mestres começou! E Ash chega ao Estádio de Wyndon bem na hora da batalha entre Leon e Alain.
Le tournoi des 8 Maître commence avec le combat entre Alain et Tarak
Das Turnier der Acht-Meister steht an! Es ist Teil der Pokémon-Krönungs-Weltmeisterschaften. Im ersten Kampf treten Delion und Alain gegeneinander ein, danach kämpfen Siegfried und Diantha um den Sieg. Wer wird gewinnen?
Turniej Mistrzowskiej Ósemki Światowej Korony Bitew już trwa! Ash przybywa na Stadion Wyndon, na którym właśnie rozpoczyna się bitwa między Leonem i Alainem.
O Torneio dos Oito Magistrais do Campeonato da Coroação Mundial arranca. Ash chega ao estádio mesmo a tempo de assistir ao combate entre Leon e Alain.