With the Masters Eight Tournament approaching, Ash is training hard when he receives a call from Professor Oak encouraging him to visit all his Pokémon at the lab. So, he and Goh set off to Pallet Town. There, Ash’s current team begins training with his other Pokémon, but when Gengar ends up in the forest, our heroes unexpectedly run into Paul, Ash’s rival from Sinnoh! Although Paul isn’t in the World Coronation Series, he agrees to battle Ash using his Gyarados, Garchomp, and Metagross—all Pokémon used by members of the Masters Eight. Though Paul’s skills are formidable, Ash wins after Gengar unleashes a fiery new move!
Antes do Torneio dos Oito Mestres, Ash se prepara, reencontra vários parceiros Pokémon e enfrenta um antigo rival para ganhar o máximo de força que puder.
Sacha se prépare pour le tournoi des huit maîtres et retrouve ses pokémons des expéditions précédentes pour affronter son ancien rival Paul et allumer l'esprit combatif.
Beim Trainieren für das Turnier der acht Meister erhält Ash viel Unterstützung von seinen Freunden und von einem speziellen Rivalen.
Ash przygotowuje się do Turnieju Mistrzowskiej Ósemki i spotyka się ze swoimi Pokémonami z poprzednich wypraw, aby stanąć naprzeciw dawnego rywala i rozpalić ducha walki.
Para se preparar para o Torneio dos Oito Magistrais, Ash reencontra muitos dos seus parceiros Pokémon para combater um antigo rival e tornar-se o mais forte possível.