The third match of the Masters Eight Tournament is Sinnoh Champion Cynthia versus Unova Champion Iris. They already know each other well—Cynthia has been a helpful mentor to Iris for some time. The first win goes to Iris and Excadrill, using a powerful Horn Drill move on Cynthia’s Gastrodon. That’s followed by a victory for Cynthia’s Milotic, giving both sides one loss! Iris brings out Dragonite, who is defeated, so she calls on Haxorus, who eliminates Milotic. That leaves both sides with one Pokémon each! The last bout is Garchomp versus Haxorus, and the Dragon-type matchup is ferocious. But Mega Garchomp proves too much for Haxorus, and Cynthia wins!
Ash e os amigos torcem por Cynthia e Iris na terceira batalha do Torneio dos Oito Mestres. Faltando uma luta para o fim, será que o treinamento de Ash vai valer a pena?
Le troisième match des 8 Maîtres commence, avec Iris face à Cynthia. Qui va gagner dans ce match ?
Das Turnier der Acht Meister läuft auf Hochtouren. Im dritten Kampf tritt Sinnoh-Champ Cynthia gegen Einall-Champ Lilia an. Wer wird gewinnen?
Camilla sconfigge Iris e accede alle semifinali del Torneo Master.
Ash i jego przyjaciele kibicują Cynthii i Iris w trzeciej bitwie Turnieju Mistrzowskiej Ósemki. Została już tylko bitwa Asha. Czy jego wysiłki przyniosą upragnione owoce?
Ash e os amigos torcem por Cynthia e Iris no terceiro combate do Torneio dos Oito Magistrais. Com apenas um combate por realizar, será que o treino de Ash vai compensar?