Ash stellt sich endlich seinem ersten offiziellen Kampf in der Arena von Metarost City. Weil er wusste, dass er es mit Roxannes starkem Kleinstein zu tun bekommen würde, hatte er Pikachu die Eisenschweif-Attacke beigebracht. Ashs Geckarbor wird bereits in der ersten Runde ausgeschaltet; und dann muss Pikachu gegen Kleinstein antreten. Es gelingt ihm, Kleinstein zu besiegen, doch dann zieht Roxanne ihr nächstes Ass aus dem Ärmel: Nasgnet, der mit seinem Sandsturm Pikachu ordentliche Schwierigkeiten bereitet. Aber letztendlich gelingt es Pikachu mit seinem Eisenschweif, Nasgnet in die Schranken zu weisen.
Pikachu is getting pretty good at its Iron Tail attack and that's a good thing. Ash is finally about to take on Roxanne, the leader of the Rustboro City Gym. He's going to need all the help he can get to take down her Geodude. May, on the other hand, isn't really looking forward to the battle. In fact, she announces that she's not going to be a trainer anymore. She wants to become a Pokémon Coordinator and compete in contests instead. When the battle begins, it doesn't look like Ash has much of a chance. Roxanne's Geodude knocks out Treecko pretty quickly. It's all up to Pikachu. Electric attacks aren't going to help much against a strong Rock Type – but Ash is very clever and Pikachu not only brings down Geodude, but it wipes out Nosepass with its newly perfected Iron Tail Attack. Ash defeats Roxanne and receives his Stone Badge.
Sacha combat Roxanne dans la première arène Pokémon. Flora décide de devenir Coordinatrice Pokémon. On découvre un étrange pokémon: Tarinor. Sacha gagne le badge Roche
Ahora que Ash y Roxanne, la líder del Gimnasio de Ciudad Rostboro ya se conocen, sólo queda tener la batalla por la medalla. Ash confía en Cola de Hierro, el nuevo ataque de Pikachu, pero ¿será eso suficiente?.
Beväpnad med Pikachus nya attack Iron Tail, utmanar Ash Gym-ledaren Roxanne!
Pikachu sta migliorando molto con il suo attacco Codacciaio, ed è un'ottima cosa. Ash sta finalmente per affrontare Petra, la Capopalestra di Ferrugipoli.
Ash desafia Roxanne, Líder de Ginásio de Rustboro, e enfrenta seu poderoso Nosepass na batalha pela insígnia.