Ash und seine Freunde sind endlich in Metarost City angekommen. Dort lernen sie Roxanne und ihre Schüler von der Pokémon-Akademie kennen. Sie beschließen, die Pokémon-Akademie zu besuchen. Der Direktor führt sie überall herum, und sie lernen auch einige Schüler kennen. Doch plötzlich sind alle Pokébälle der Schule verschwunden, Team Rocket hat sie geklaut. In einer Schlacht gelingt es Ash, Max und ihren neuen Freunden von der Pokémon-Akademie, Team Rocket in die Flucht zu schlagen und die Pokébälle zurückzuerobern.
Rustboro City at last! Now that Ash and friends have arrived in Rustboro City, they're taking a moment to sightsee. They bump into a schoolteacher, Roxanne, and her class on a class trip. The kids are about Max's age and one of them, Kenny, is afraid of Pokémon. Roxanne invites the gang back to see the Pokémon Trainer's School. Ash is anxious to get to his gym battle, but Roxanne persuades him to wait. As it turns out, Ash would have had to wait anyway. Roxanne is the gym leader, too! The Pokémon Trainer's School is pretty big and has all kinds of different classes. May is especially interested in a class on Pokémon Contests. Max decides to attend the beginners' class that Kenny is in. He's in the middle of battling the class show-off, Tommy, when the principal comes running in to tell them that the school's Poké Balls have all been stolen. Team Rocket strikes again! Kenny steps in and saves the day by telling Max which attacks will work best, and Tommy cooperates, too. When they work together, the kids are able to defeat Team Rocket and save the Poké Balls. Just to be safe, Roxanne's Geodude sends Team Rocket blasting off again. Now that Ash has seen Roxanne and her Geodude in action, he's really ready for his gym battle!
Max passe une journée dans l'académie Pokemon!?
Los chicos finalmente llegan a Ciudad Rustboro, allí conocen a Roxanne, la maestra de una Escuela de Entrenadores Pokémon, y unos estudiantes principiantes que estaban de paseo escolar.
Våra hjältar besöker Pokémonträningsskolan i Rustboro City, där Max springer på en klasskompis!
Ora che Ash e i suoi amici sono giunti finalmente a Ferrugipoli, si concedono un momento per esplorare la città. Si imbattono in un'insegnante, Petra, che sta portando la classe in gita.
Ash e os amigos visitam uma escola para treinadores iniciantes e ajudam os alunos a aprender sobre batalhas.