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Season 1

  • S01E01 The Unexpected Origins of the Word ‘Monster’

    • March 24, 2021
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Words don't pop up fully formed... they evolve over thousands of years. What can we learn about our relationship to monsters by tracking the word down into the distant past? The Unexpected Origins of the Word ‘Monster’ (feat. Dr. Z)

  • S01E02 What's the Longest Word?

    • April 14, 2021
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Before we decide from a long list of contenders, we'll have to figure out what the word "word" really means...

  • S01E03 From Alan Turing to GPT-3: The Evolution of Computer Speech

    • May 5, 2021
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Can Computers REALLY Talk? Or Are They Faking It? New advancements in technology are making it harder than ever to tell the difference between a computer and a human speaker... but what's going on under the hood? Is it really "language," or just a digital illusion?

  • S01E04 What People Get Wrong About African-American English

    • June 16, 2021
    • PBS Digital Studios

    It's one of the most studied — and most controversial — varieties of English. But many people still hold deep misconceptions about African-American English (AAE).

  • S01E05 Popular Words Invented by Authors

    • July 28, 2021
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Authors often create words just for a one-time usage... but a special few will gain traction and become full-fledged parts of our shared lexicon! Otherwords is a new PBS web series on Storied that digs deep into this quintessential human trait of language and fınds the fascinating, thought-provoking, and funny stories behind the words and sounds we take for granted. Incorporating the fıelds of biology, history, cultural studies, literature, and more, linguistics has something for everyone and offers a unique perspective into what it means to be human.

  • S01E06 60 Euphemisms for Death!

    • September 20, 2021
    • PBS Digital Studios

    No topic is as universally avoided--yet universally unavoidable--as DEATH. So, it's got a lot of euphemisms in virtually every language.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Is Swearing Good for Your Brain?

    • January 20, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Does swearing get a bad rap? There's evidence that the shouting obscenities has an evolutionary purpose... and may be good for your psyche!

  • S02E02 Snowclones and Clichés and Memes, Oh My!

    • February 24, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    How Do Clichés Evolve into Memes? Adaptable clichés called "snowclones" are EVERYWHERE on the internet. We use them for memes, inside jokes, to show our membership of the group. But they weren't invented online. In fact, they're way older than you think!

  • S02E03 The Screwed-Up History of English Spelling

    • March 24, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    The English spelling system is a MESS... arguably more than any other language. How did it get this way?

  • S02E04 Pronouns: Little Words That Say A Lot

    • April 21, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Pronouns may be little, but they say a lot, and they're always changing!

  • S02E05 A Controversial Theory About Gossip

    • May 26, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Gossip is an integral part of human social structure... and maybe the reason language evolved in the first place!

  • S02E06 Foreign Words We Need in English

    • June 23, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    English has more words than most other languages, but there are still so many familiar things and experiences that we don't have a word for... but other languages do! Here are some of our faves!

  • S02E07 Is Bilingualism a Superpower?

    • July 28, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    There was a time when psychologists thought growing up bilingual was harmful to brain development, but recent studies into bilingual children have turned that idea on its head!

  • S02E08 The Stories Behind Food Names

    • August 25, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

  • S02E09 Literally No One Likes a Grammar Cop

    • September 22, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Besides being annoying, what if the grammar police are actually... wrong?

  • S02E10 Why Sign Language Was Banned in America

    • October 27, 2022
    • PBS Digital Studios

    Sign Languages are just as linguistically valid and vibrant as spoken languages, and beneficial to learn for Deaf and hearing people. So why for decades was it illegal to teach them in American schools?

Season 3

  • S03E01 How Brands Ruin Slang

    • January 26, 2023
    • YouTube

    Why do brands use slang in their marketing? And why does it sound so... cringey?

  • S03E02 Is "R" a Vowel?

    • February 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    We all know that the vowels are A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y... But the way linguists define vowels may mean R qualifies as well!

  • S03E03 Where Alcoholic Drinks Got Their Names

    • March 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    Alcohol has been with humanity since the dawn of civilization, and we use still use some of the same terms for it! Come with us on an etymological journey through the history of drinking.

  • S03E04 How English Took Over the World

    • April 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    How did English become the most spoken language on the planet, and why are there so many varieties of English?

  • S03E05 The Weird History of Invented Languages

    • May 25, 2023
    • YouTube

    Can you really invent a language? These people sure tried! But does anyone actually speak them?

  • S03E06 How Queer Communities Created Secret Languages

    • June 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    Across the globe, queer communities have relied on secret lexicons known as "argots" to communicate safely, which have developed over the years into what some call "verbal jazz."

  • S03E07 What Brain Damage Reveals About Language

    • July 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    Some of the first discoveries about the relationship between language and the brain were made by studying patients with brain damage. Of course, before modern technology, the only way you could see the brain was by opening it up.

  • S03E08 Why Does Texting Feel Different From Talking?

    • August 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    Your texts might be cool and clever, but you still get tongue-tied when talking to people face-to-face. Why is that? It's all just words, right? Learn the difference between what linguist call synchronous and asynchronous communication.

  • S03E09 How the Colors Got Their Names

    • September 21, 2023
    • YouTube

    The earliest humans didn't have words for colors... and the way they evolved follow a remarkably similar path across cultures.

  • S03E10 The Most Extreme Place Names

    • October 19, 2023
    • YouTube

    Place names, known as "toponyms" do more than just help us know where we're supposed to meet up.| They often provide clues that can tell you a lot about a location: its geography, history and the people who lived there.

Season 4

Season 5