Caesar ist geschlagen und will nun Smoker töten, indem er das Herz, welches er bei sich trägt, erstechen möchte. Es stellt sich allerdings heraus, dass das Herz seiner Assistentin Monet gehört und Caesar einer List von Law auf den Leim gegangen ist, der ihm mit Absicht Smokers Herz nicht überlassen hatte. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Monet was moments away from activating the self destruct button when she felt her heart being stabbed and collapses before dying. At the same time Caesar Clown stabbed the heart believing it to be Smoker's heart. The Straw Hats are still racing towards the exit of the collapsing lab when they felt the explosion of the SAD room and then saw Shinokuni on their trail. Smoker, seeing that they nearly reached safety, questioned Trafalgar Law of why did he possessed his heart the whole time. Trafalgar Law reveals the clever deception he played on the mad scientist where he returned the heart of Monet to Caesar without Caesar being the wiser.
At the tanker, Baby 5's missile attack failed to take down Franky Shogun and their duel began anew whereas Buffalo contacted Doflamingo of the situation. After confirming that the island wasn't destroyed as intended, Doflamingo decided to tend to the matter himself and is seen somehow flying over the sea towards Punk Hazard.
Caesar trafigge il cuore in suo possesso, che si rivela essere però di Mone, impedendogli di azionare l'autodistruzione. Law spiega a Smoker che, quando era entrato in possesso del cuore del viceammiraglio, aveva consegnato a Caesar quello di Mone. Mentre Baby 5 e Buffalo continuano lo scontro contro il Generale Franky, i fuggitivi giungono in vista dell'uscita. Nel frattempo, Doflamingo, compreso che Mone non ha ultimato il suo compito, parte da Dressrosa per raggiungere Punk Hazard.
La destrucción de la isla por parte de Monet y el apuñalamiento del corazón de Smoker por parte de Caesar fracasan, ya que Law intercambió lo corazones de la harpía con el del capitán de la Marina, lo cual provoca que todos los que querían huir del laboratorio sigan con vida. Por su parte, Franky sigue enfrentándose a los asesinos de Doflamingo mientras éste, que teme que los piratas se salgan con la suya, decide abandonar Dressrosa e ir hacia Punk Hazard.
A fuga de Punk Hazard chega aos momentos finais e Luffy e os Chapéus de Palha, o G5 da Marinha, Law e as crianças estão prestes a sair do Terceiro Laboratório. Na costa da ilha, porém, uma nova batalha tem início. Enviados por Donquixote Doflamingo para resgatar Caesar Clown, Baby 5 e Buffalo enfrentarão Franky Shogun!
بينما يفرّ طاقم قبّعة القشّ ومن معهم من المختبر المنهار، فعل سيزار النّاجم عن رغبته اليائسة في الانتقام يحبط خطّة جوكر لإسكات أعدائه إلى الأبد!